Adrenal Support Supplements

Body Health PerfectAmino Amino Acid Capsules $44.90
Pure essential amino acids in a form that is both 99% utilized (3-6x the protein of other sources with almost no calories) and fully absorbed within 20-30 minutes! 100% vegan and non-GMO.PerfectAmino Benefits Provides the eight essential amino acids for protein synthesis that your body MUST get from dietary sources It is the most effective protein supplement for building muscle and bone Promotes fast recovery after hard training Increases energy levels Supports a healthy immune system Is an excellent source of protein during weight loss with virtually zero calories PerfectAmino Ingredients 
PerfectAmino ingredients contain the eight essential amino acids:
 Tryptophan Lysine Methionine Valine Leucine Isoleucine Threonine Phenylalanine PerfectAmino ingredients contain no fat, sodium, sugar, yeast, gluten, soy, corn, wheat, rice, GMO, preservatives, excipients, dairy, or animal products. 9 REASONS YOU SHOULD BE USING PERFECTAMINO EVERY SINGLE DAY 1. PerfectAmino is 99% utilized for power, energy, and recovery.
 Essential amino acids that we get from foods (meat, eggs, beans, and nuts) must be digested before they're available to muscles, tissues, and cells. For a variety of reasons, the digestive process is not perfect. Aging, stress (both physical and emotional), gastrointestinal imbalances, unhealthy dietary choices, and the use of medications all get in the way of the body's ability to enzymatically metabolize and process foods and render their essential amino acids bioavailable. Since PerfectAmino provides a vegetable-based trove of all eight essential amino acids in their pure, elemental form, no digestion is required.

 2. PerfectAmino is very quickly absorbed. 
Even if your digestive systems were perfect, it would take several hours for your body to be able to utilize the amino acids it has processed and release them into the bloodstream. When taken on its own, PerfectAmino is absorbed into the bloodstream within 23 minutes for nearly instant strength and recovery.

 3. PerfectAmino is perfectly formulated.
 PerfectAmino is a comprehensive formula featuring a unique combination of all eight essential amino acids (50% of which are branched-chain amino acids, or BCAAs). This formula is so complete that it could serve as your sole source of protein, although we recommend it as a super-supplement to a healthy diet. If you consumed only BCAAs or natural plant proteins (which don't have optimal levels of ALL the essential amino acids required by your cells and systems), your health—and performance—would be impacted. 

4. PerfectAmino does not create metabolic waste.
 Because PerfectAmino is completely absorbed and 99% utilized for anabolic (growth and repair) purposes, there is no nitrogen waste (a by-product of protein metabolism) to tax the kidneys. This 99% utilization makes PerfectAmino is the ideal source of pure, elemental protein for people who have diabetes or require kidney-support nutrition. As a comparison, animal and vegetable proteins are, at best, 30% utilized by the body for its anabolic needs.

 5. PerfectAmino helps maintain muscle mass.
Age and training stress contribute to lean muscle loss. Since PerfectAmino is perfectly balanced and 99% utilized by the body, almost everyone can maintain high levels of the essential amino acids responsible for muscular growth and recovery, regardless of age or how much they train.

 6. PerfectAmino can take the place of excess protein and boost fat loss.
 Each 5-gram serving of PerfectAmino (5 tablets) is equivalent to approximately 30 grams of whey, collagen, or soy protein, yet contains only a few calories. Therefore, by replacing 30 grams of this protein with PerfectAmino, you can reduce 120 calories from your daily diet (30 grams of protein x 4 calories per gram). And since PerfectAmino enhances muscle mass, this reduction in calories will not reduce muscle mass or slow down your metabolism.

 7. PerfectAmino tackles hunger and food cravings.
 PerfectAmino offers your hard-working body nutrients that reduce false hunger signals. Additionally, since the product is not digested or metabolized, you can take it before high-intensity interval training, intermittent fasting, or cold therapy.

 8. PerfectAmino is super-convenient.
 These tablets are easy to swallow and convenient to take at any time of the day!

 9. PerfectAmino can help everyone!
 Athletes take advantage of PerfectAmino for muscular strength and recovery. Healthcare practitioners recommend it to their patients before and after procedures (since it cuts down on recovery time). People who seek kidney-health support use it as a source of waste-free protein. 

If you're not yet using PerfectAmino, now's the best time to give it a try! It is further enhanced with Nucleic Acid building blocks, the foundations of our DNA and RNA, helping to direct the process of protein synthesis at the genetic level and support genetic health and performance. And it’s absorbed in approximately 23 minutes.  
Health Concerns Adrenosen $35.88
Restore your energy and sense of well-being while supporting your adrenals and preventing burn-out with this herbal Adrenal Cortex formula Therapeutic Actions of Adrenosen™ Addresses burn-out, especially when accompanied by aching, pain, and digestive disturbances Restores energy, sense of well-being, and mental acuity Helps alleviate non-specific dry coughing, dyspepsia, and leukorrhea Supports the adrenal, pituitary, and thyroid glands Athletes may use it with yin tonics in order to replenish their systems Formula Adrenosen is a formula that relieves burnout, and is based on an ancient Chinese remedy. Adrenal extracts have been used since the 1930s for cases of low adrenal function with fatigue and inability to cope with stress. As Adrenosen contains the cortex, it may be considered experimentally for cases of allergy and inflammation. Ingredients Three tablets contain: Chinese herbs (1,350mg): Pseudostellaria root (tai zi shen), Dioscorea root (shan yao), Dolichos seed (bai bian dou), Schizandra fruit (wu wei zi), Oryza sprout (gu ya), PAK (Pyridoxal alpha, Ketoglutarate 300mg) About Health Concerns The First and Still the Best Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients. Commitment to Quality Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients. They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science. Mission & Values Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form. Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives. Product Quality Assurance Herb Selection Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated. Laboratory Testing Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level. Processing and Potency Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability. Combining Components They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process. Tableting and Packaging Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency. Fully Tested & Guaranteed All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities. At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference. Benefits This formula facilitates the conversion of blood sugar into energy, calm the nerves, and increases circulatory delivery of oxygen to the tissues. In addition, PAK may prevent or reduce lactic acid formation. Pseudostellaria (tai zi shen) replenishes energy stores and helps generate fluids. Dioscorea (shan yao) helps regulate the heart beat, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and regulates the intestines; it also helps alleviate body aches and pains. Dolichos (bai bain dou) settles the stomach and reduces heat. Schizandra (wu wei zi) addresses insomnia, forgetfulness, poor concentration, palpitations, anxiety, and regulates blood sugar levels. Oryza (gu ya) directs the other ingredients to the intestines, liver, and gallbladder, and helps support the digestive system. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Tonifies Qi and kidney yang; Drains dampness Use 2 to 3 tablets, three times a day, between meals. Rapid effect can be realized for acute conditions; chronic ailments may require at least two days for effect to be noted. Note: May be too warming a formula for some individuals.
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