Healthy Gut

HoloZymeâ„¢ Digestive Enzymes $74.99
Get INSTANT Relief from Bloating and Gut Discomfort with HoloZyme™ Digestive Enzymes. The World's Most Activated Digestive Enzymes! HoloZymes™ reduces occasional gut-related complaints including gas, bloating, loose stools, undigested foods, tummy pain, and cramping. INSTANTLY feel the difference!• Fast Acting• Patent Proven Formula• All Natural• Clinically Proven (6 studies)• No Fillers• 100% Effective Range pH 1.7- pH 11.0• Professional Grade• Non-GMO Digestive enzymes are unique molecules that speed up the breakdown of food into usable nutrients. When properly activated, some of these enzymes are absorbed into the body and help support a healthy immune system. How Do I Use HoloZyme™? HoloZyme™ is unique in its dosing in a few ways. First, the capsules can be opened and sprinkled in food or drink. Second, each person’s ideal dose is custom to their body. Day 1-3 Take two capsules per meal. Days 4- 6 Continue taking capsules with each meal and add two capsules at bedtime (on an empty stomach).   Days 7-10 Increase to four capsules per meal and four at bedtime.  If you are still struggling with your digestion and inflammation, on Day 10 take six capsules per meal and six at bedtime.  Start slow and work your way up to these dosage guidelines: Regular: 2 per meal / 2 before bedAdvanced: 4 per meal /4 before bedAcute: 6 per meal /6 before bed You should quickly find you have reduced gas, bloating, loose stools, undigested foods, tummy pain, and cramping when you find your ideal dosage. What Happens If I Feel….? Nothing?  You haven’t reached your ideal dosage yet – keep increasing slowly Worse?  If you get headaches, brain fog, nausea, fever, or other symptoms of impaired detox/Herxheimer reaction, you have moved up your dosage too quickly. Slow back down to allow your body to adjust better to remodeling/changing your microbiome.   Constipated?  You have moved up your dosage too quickly, or you haven’t found your ideal dose yet. Stay at the dosage/frequency you are at for the next three days, and add bowel supplements to help move your bowels. Then you can try slowly increasing the dosage if needed.  Consider adding HCL Guard+. Diarrhea?  You have moved up your dosage too quickly, or you haven’t found your ideal dose yet.  Stay at the dosage/frequency you are at for the next three days, then keep increasing up to 6 capsules per meal, and consider adding Tributyrin-X™ to help regulate your bowels.  Then you can try slowly increasing the dosage if needed. Amazing?  You found your uniquely perfect dose – stay at that dose/frequency! Here are 5 Rules of Taking HoloZyme™: Start slowly and only increase every 3 days Take with food for digestive support Take on an empty stomach for systemic support Take them every day with every meal and every night before bed Open the capsule if you have trouble swallowing
Healthy Gut HCL Guard $45.98
HCL Guard+ Advanced Biomimicking Formula Your body requires fully processed proteins to foster the well-being of muscles, hair, skin, and cells. As individuals age, their stomachs may experience fatigue and may benefit from assistance in acid production. HCL Guard+ serves as a biomimicking stomach support supplement designed to address various stomach issues including: Occasional constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn Feeling of heaviness or fullness after meals Bloating or gassiness Burping and stomach noises Concerns related to hair, skin, and nails Mood fluctuations and decreased energy levels How Does HCL Guard+ Provide Comprehensive Stomach Support? Many people are unaware that a healthy stomach naturally produces sufficient acid during each meal, surpassing the acidity of battery acid. The human stomach is a remarkable organ that relies on the right amount of acid to: Initiate the breakdown of ingested foods Unravel "protein balls" for enzymes to function effectively Activate the protein enzyme, Pepsin Release essential minerals like B12, calcium, and magnesium Eliminate or sterilize potentially harmful incoming pathogens Facilitate peristalsis (digestive waves) Prompt the release of bile salts and enzymes by signaling the digestive hormone CCK Therefore, an adequate level of stomach acid is crucial for the proper breakdown of foods, nutrient release, food sterilization, and the efficiency of digestion. Here's How the Advanced Biomimicking Formula of HCL Guard+ Functions: Enhances nutrient digestion, leading to improved energy metabolism Optimizes amino acid digestion, thereby improving skin, hair, nails, and moods Supports the body's defenses against harmful organisms Assists in repairing the mucus layer and stomach cells Stimulates proper movement of food through the body by activating stomach muscles Addresses issues related to the speed of digestion This means that you can: Regain the desired sense of well-being Indulge in more of the foods you love Experience smoother and more reliable digestion Alleviate gut problems and discomfort Boost energy levels and enhance the enjoyment of meals Prevent "bad bugs" from infiltrating your body and establishing residence Commence engaging in activities you've longed to enjoy All of these positive outcomes become possible when you holistically support the stomach in performing its vital functions.
Healthy Gut Tributyrin-X $74.96
Struggling with gut issues after restrictive diets? Healthy Gut Tributyrin-X can help you enjoy your favorite foods again! Tributyrin-X is a powerful postbiotic supplement designed to support your digestive health and overall well-being. It provides a concentrated dose of tributyrin, a fatty acid that nourishes your gut lining and promotes a healthy microbiome. Here's how Tributyrin-X can benefit you: Soothes Digestive Discomfort: Experience relief from occasional constipation, diarrhea, and bloating. Supports a Healthy Gut Barrier: Tributyrin-X strengthens your gut lining, potentially reducing discomfort associated with leaky gut. Reduces Food Sensitivities: By supporting a balanced gut microbiome, Tributyrin-X may help ease reactions to certain foods. Promotes Overall Gut Health: It fosters a diverse and thriving gut flora, essential for optimal digestion and immune function. Convenient and Odorless: Easy-to-swallow gel capsules with no unpleasant taste or smell. High-Quality Formula: Made with 99.9% pure tributyrin, Non-GMO, and free of common allergens. Take back control of your gut health and enjoy a more comfortable, active life with Tributyrin-X! Contains 90 softgels
Healthy Gut HistaHarmony - Histamine Support $46.95
Healthy Gut HistaHarmony helps your body degrade food-derived histamine and maintains healthy DAO levels in the digestive tract. Do you experience fatigue, flushing, or brain fog after eating? HistaHarmonyâ„¢ with DAO (Diamine Oxidase) enzyme may be the answer! This powerful supplement helps your body break down histamine, a compound that can trigger these uncomfortable symptoms. Enjoy the foods you love again: Savor a glass of wine without histamine headaches or other reactions. Reduce symptoms of histamine intolerance and feel your best. HistaHarmony's advanced DAO enzyme formula: Uses patented ProDAOXâ„¢ technology to protect the fragile enzyme. Enteric-coated tablets deliver the DAO directly to your gut, where it's most effective (unlike some competitors' products). High-potency, 96-patent-backed formula ensures maximum effectiveness. Nitrogen-packed for freshness and potency. Take control of your gut health and embrace a happier, more comfortable you with HistaHarmonyâ„¢! Contains 60 tablets
Accelerated C60 $79.95
Accelerated C60: Enhanced Wellness and Longevity ESS60 Formula What is Accelerated C60? C60, also known as fullerene, is a molecule made of 60 carbon atoms arranged in a unique structure that resembles a soccer ball. Here's a breakdown of its key characteristics: Structure: C60 has a cage-like structure formed by 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons. This specific arrangement gives it interesting properties. Properties: One key property of C60 is that it acts as a strong antioxidant. Antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules in the body. Accelerated C60 supplement is prepared with meticulous care. We use only the finest Certified Organic (MOSA, NOP) GMO-free olive oil, independently tested and verified for purity.  What is ESS60? ESS60 stands for Elemental Safe Spheres and refers to a specific formulation of C60 (fullerene) designed for human consumption. Here's a breakdown of what makes ESS60 distinct: Safety Focus: The term "Elemental Safe Spheres" suggests that ESS60 has undergone a process to make it suitable for human consumption. This likely involves removing any residual solvents or impurities that might be present in industrial C60. Delivery Method: ESS60 is typically suspended in a carrier oil, like organic olive oil, to improve absorption by the body. C60 Benefits: C60 acts like a tireless bodyguard for your cells: It efficiently mops up free radicals, those unstable molecules that can damage your cells. C60 helps your body detoxify: It can reduce the harmful effects of chemical toxins you might encounter. C60 offers potential protection from radiation: This could be especially helpful for people undergoing certain medical procedures. C60 safeguards your skin from sun damage: Its properties may help prevent ultraviolet radiation from harming your cells. C60 supports healthy cells: It can help prevent damage caused by heavy metals in the environment. Directions: Take 1-2 teaspoons daily. Frequently Asked Questions: Is C60 better than vitamin C?C60 is a Nobel Prize winning molecule and 172X the strength of vitamin C. Are there any side effects?No adverse effects from taking ESS60 in Olive Oil have been reported. However, as everyone reacts differently, adjust your dosage based on your individual experience. Can I take more than the recommended dose?Yes, some users take more than the suggested 5ml daily, some even up to 15ml twice a day. The key is to find the amount that works best for you. Do I need to take it with food?Since olive oil is a food itself, taking Accelerated C60 with additional food is not necessary. There's also no evidence that food intake affects the benefits. How to store?Store it like you would any high-quality olive oil: in a cool, dark place. Refrigeration is not recommended, as it may cause the oil to clump. If this happens due to cold weather during shipping, simply let the bottle sit at room temperature, and the oil will return to its normal state. What about the taste?Quality extra virgin olive oil has a characteristic peppery aftertaste that some may find unpleasant. The good news is, the taste disappears quickly with food or drinks. Alternatively, you can take the product with bread, salads, or explore creative methods to mask the flavor. Accelerated C60™ is a registered trademark of Accelerated Health Products LLC.
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