Health Concerns

Serramend Proteolytic Enzyme $39.90
Serramend contains serratiopeptidase also known as serrapeptase; a naturally occurring proteolytic enzyme that has been used clinically in Europe and Asia for over thirty years. Has an anti-inflammatory effect Treats chronic lung, and ear, nose and throat disorders Digests scar tissue and speeds healing response Addresses sinusitis, sprains, strains, edema, postoperative inflammation, carpal tunnel syndrome, breast engorgement, (fibrocystic breast disease) venous inflammatory disease, asthma, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory pain conditions, leg ulcers, chronic headaches 180 Capsules Health Concerns Serramend – Product Description Serramend contains serratiopeptidase also known as serrapeptase; a naturally occurring proteolytic enzyme that has been used clinically in Europe and Asia for over thirty years. It has been well tested and shown efficacy for many conditions including traumatic injury, post operative inflammation, ear, nose and throat conditions, carpal tunnel syndrome, breast engorgement, and venous disease. It has also been promoted for the treatment of inflammatory pain conditions and cardiovascular diseases. In patients with chronic airway disease treatment with 30mg per day of serrapeptase for four weeks resulted in changes in sputum. Coughing and expectoration frequency were significantly decreased. Serrapeptase has also been used to treat chronic sinusitis at a serving of 30mg per day for four weeks leading to reduced sputum viscosity and improved quality of life. In several treatment centers with 193 patients, suffering from inflammatory ear, nose and throat conditions, treatment was compared with a placebo for seven to eight days. Compared with placebo, serrapeptase produced a more rapid response researchers concluded that the enzyme treatment produced anti-edemic, and fibrinolytic activity. The same serving was used in a 174 patient study of clients having surgery to correct buccal membrane swelling, patients in the treatment group demonstrated significantly less swelling compared with the placebo group. Another surgical study showed a reduction in the amount of postoperative swelling. Patients who received serrapeptase experience a 50 percent decrease in swelling in the third day following ankle surgery. Patients treated with standard measures (leg elevation, bed rest, ice) had no reductions in swelling. In treating carpal tunnel syndrome, 10mg twice daily for six weeks, led to significant clinical improvement in 65 percent of the patients. Results were confirmed via nerve-conduction studies. In a group of seventy women with cystic breast disease, 85.7 percent of the patients taking the enzyme had moderate to marked improvement. Serrapeptase has also been clinically studied and shown effective for the treatment of chronic bronchitis and venous inflammatory disease, and improving the effects of the antibiotics ofloxacin, cephalexin, and cefotiam. A pioneer in complementary medicine, Hans Nieper, MD used serrapeptase extensively for occluded arteries particularly when surgeons were reluctant to operate. He reported that many of his patients have shown significant improved blood flow through their previously constricted arteries as confirmed by ultrasound. He typically used the enzyme for at least six months to eighteen months. Several research groups have reported that serrapeptase/serratiopeptidase (thereafter Serramend™) is well absorbed orally when using enterically coated capsules or capsules. It is processed in the laboratory, although initially it was found in the silkworm intestine. By dissolving the silkworm’s protective cocoon, the moth is ready to fly away. Ingredients Serratiopeptidase 20mg of serratiopeptidase per capsule (not less than 2,000 units per mg) derived from L Serratia E15 Suggested Use 1 capsule TID between meals Contraindications: Serramend is not recommended during pregnancy. Caution should be applied if patients are on anti-coagulant drugs such as Coumadin, or have gastrointestinal ulcers. Some individuals report diarrhea.
Health Concerns Adrenosen $35.88
Restore your energy and sense of well-being while supporting your adrenals and preventing burn-out with this herbal Adrenal Cortex formula Therapeutic Actions of Adrenosen™ Addresses burn-out, especially when accompanied by aching, pain, and digestive disturbances Restores energy, sense of well-being, and mental acuity Helps alleviate non-specific dry coughing, dyspepsia, and leukorrhea Supports the adrenal, pituitary, and thyroid glands Athletes may use it with yin tonics in order to replenish their systems Formula Adrenosen is a formula that relieves burnout, and is based on an ancient Chinese remedy. Adrenal extracts have been used since the 1930s for cases of low adrenal function with fatigue and inability to cope with stress. As Adrenosen contains the cortex, it may be considered experimentally for cases of allergy and inflammation. Ingredients Three tablets contain: Chinese herbs (1,350mg): Pseudostellaria root (tai zi shen), Dioscorea root (shan yao), Dolichos seed (bai bian dou), Schizandra fruit (wu wei zi), Oryza sprout (gu ya), PAK (Pyridoxal alpha, Ketoglutarate 300mg) About Health Concerns The First and Still the Best Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients. Commitment to Quality Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients. They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science. Mission & Values Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form. Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives. Product Quality Assurance Herb Selection Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated. Laboratory Testing Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level. Processing and Potency Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability. Combining Components They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process. Tableting and Packaging Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency. Fully Tested & Guaranteed All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities. At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference. Benefits This formula facilitates the conversion of blood sugar into energy, calm the nerves, and increases circulatory delivery of oxygen to the tissues. In addition, PAK may prevent or reduce lactic acid formation. Pseudostellaria (tai zi shen) replenishes energy stores and helps generate fluids. Dioscorea (shan yao) helps regulate the heart beat, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and regulates the intestines; it also helps alleviate body aches and pains. Dolichos (bai bain dou) settles the stomach and reduces heat. Schizandra (wu wei zi) addresses insomnia, forgetfulness, poor concentration, palpitations, anxiety, and regulates blood sugar levels. Oryza (gu ya) directs the other ingredients to the intestines, liver, and gallbladder, and helps support the digestive system. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Tonifies Qi and kidney yang; Drains dampness Use 2 to 3 tablets, three times a day, between meals. Rapid effect can be realized for acute conditions; chronic ailments may require at least two days for effect to be noted. Note: May be too warming a formula for some individuals.
Health Concerns Aloe 22 $27.90
A Cleansing Black Walnut Herbal Formula to Support Normal Digestive Function Therapeutic Actions of Aloe 22: Treats chronic infestations of intestinal parasites Treats intestinal infections Relieves chronic constipation Helps with Diverticular disorders Formula This formula is recommended for those with poor digestion and constipation. Ingredients Black Walnut hulls (juglans nigra), Terminalia fruit (he zi), Ginger rhizome (gan jiang), Mume fruit (wu mei), Codonopsis root (dang shen), Poria sclerotium (fu ling), White Atractylodes rhizome (bai zhu), Quisqualis fruit (shi jun zi), Omphalia fruit (lei wan), Vladimiria Souliei root (mu xiang), Torreya seed (fei zi), Pomegranate rind (shi liu pi), Melia fruit (chuan lian zi), Rubia root (qian cao gen), Aurantium fruit (zhi shi), Nutmeg seed (rou dou kou), Cardamom fruit (sha ren), Ulmus fruit (wu yi), Zanthoxylum fruit (chuan jiao), Licorice root (gan cao), Aloe Vera herb (lu hui) About Health Concerns The First and Still the Best Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients. Commitment to Quality Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients. They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science. Mission & Values Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form. Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives. Product Quality Assurance Herb Selection Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated. Laboratory Testing Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level. Processing and Potency Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability. Combining Components They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process. Tableting and Packaging Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency. Fully Tested & Guaranteed All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities. At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference. Benefits Traditional Chinese Medicine Functions: Disperses stagnant Qi Purges gallbladder heat Intestinal Astringent Aloe 22 treats intestinal parasites and other intestinal diseases. The formula balances dispersing, eliminative forces with contracting and building forces, thus it is useful for a broad range of applications. The black walnut (juglans nigra), is a native tree of North America. Black walnuts are smaller, harder, and more pungent than the English walnuts sold in grocery stores. The hulls without the meaty kernels inside are used in herbal medicine. Black walnut trees exude a sap that discourages growth of competing plants over their roots. Black walnut hulls contain juglone, a chemical that is antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, and a fungicide. The hulls also contain tannins, iodine, vitamin C and zinc. Tannins act as a defense mechanism in plants against pathogens. The antihelmintic properties of tannins have been shown in scientific studies. Tannins are described to be antibacterial, and anti-diarrheic. Iodine is widely used as an antiseptic in medicine. It works by attaching itself to the pathogenic bacteria and thereby killing them. Cardamom (sha ren) treats abdominal pain and distension, and relieves intestinal spasms. It controls diarrhea caused by infection, but also treats constipation due to weak intestinal function. Astringent herbs such as mume (wu mei), terminalia (he zi), pomegranate (shi liu pi), nutmeg (rou dou kou), rubia (qian cao gen) treat diarrhea caused by infections, regulate intestinal secretions, and treat ulcers of the intestinal mucosa. Anthelmintics such as quisqualis (shi jun zi), omphalia (lei wan), torreya (fei zi), ulmus (wu yi), zanthoxylum (chuan jiao), and aloe vera (luhui) attack parasites in the bowels. Qi tonics such as codonopsis (dang shen), white atractylodes (bai zhu), and licorice (gan cao), and digestive herbs such as ginger (gan jiang) enhance immunityand improve absorption of nutrients. Use 1 to 3 tablets, three times a day
Sold out
Health Concerns Clear Phlegm $29.90
Clear Phlegm™ may be used for the following conditions: Phlegm Nausea Runny Nose Sinus congestion Vomiting Stomach mucus Cough/Smoker's cough Vertigo Poor appetite Insomnia Restlessness Timidity The First and Still the Best Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients. Commitment to Quality Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients. They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science. Mission & Values Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form. Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives. Product Quality Assurance Herb Selection Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated. Laboratory Testing Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level. Processing and Potency Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability. Combining Components They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process. Tableting and Packaging Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency. Fully Tested & Guaranteed All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities. At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference. Formula This formula is recommended for those with phlegm, runny nose, vomiting, and nausea. Ingredients Pinellia rhizome (ban xia), Citrus peel (chen pi), Poria sclerotium (fu ling), Aurantium fruit (zhi shi), Bamboo shavings (zhu ru), Arisaema rhizome (tian nan xing), Agastache herb (huo xiang), Acorus rhizome (shi chang pu), Licorice root (gan cao) Benefits Clear Phlegm™ is an herbal formula supporting normal respiratory function. In Chinese medicine, phlegm in the stomach leads to distention, copious sputum, a greasy tongue coating, and a slippery pulse. Heat in the gallbladder creates a bitter taste in the mouth. The combination of phlegm and heat which may lead to dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Phlegm heat may also cause irritability, insomnia, and anxiety. Bamboo (zhu ru) clears heat and phlegm and also helps with coughing and other signs of rebellious qi. Aurantium (zhi shi) reverses rebellious qi, and helps reduce distension. Pinellia (ban xia) and citrus (chen pi) dry dampness and expel phlegm, while improving circulation in the stomach. Poria (fu ling) and licorice (gan cao) strengthens the spleen and leaches out dampness. Arisaema (tian nan xing) dries dampness expels phlegm and is also used for phlegm obstructing the channels causing dizziness, numbness of the limbs. Acorus opens the orifices, vaporizes phlegm, and quiets the spirit Use 3 tablets, three times per day, between meals Important Note: Reduce dosage or discontinue if excessive dryness occurs Health Concerns Remedy Combinations for Cold & Flu Symptoms: Fever: Isatis Gold or Yin Chao Junior High Fever: Cold Away + Isatis Gold Constant Sneezing and Colored Phlegm: Isatis Gold + Nasal Tabs 2 Sneezing with lots of Phlegm: Isatis Gold + Clear Phlegm Sneezing with Clear Phlegm: Isatis Gold + Clear Air, a formula that warms and lungs and reduces phlegm Cough and Cold: Isatis Gold + Clear Air Chest Congestion with Unproductive Cough: Cold Away + Clear Air Headache: Isatis Gold + Head-Q Ear Infections: Nasal Tabs 2 + Coptis Purge Fire Chronic Ear Infections: Nasal Tabs 2 + Clear Phlegm Severe Nasal Congestion: Cold Away + Nasal Tabs 2 or Xanthium Relieve Surface
Health Concerns Nasal Caps 2 $27.80
Nasal Caps 2 may be used for the following: Support normal respiratory function Sinus congestion with thick yellow mucus Hay Fever Sinus headache Runny nose Phlegm and cough Earache due to sinus blockage Snoring due to facial congestion
Health Concerns Coptis Purge Fire $27.80
Therapeutic Actions of Coptis Purge Fire: Treats intense, acute, localized inflammations, skin eruptions such as hives, sore throat, strep throat, eye and ear infections, nasal and sinus infections, herpes simplex outbreaks, pelvic inflammatory disease, tooth abscess, oral ulcers, nasal infections, and mouth ulcers Treats chronic Liver Fire conditions, chronic skin eruptions (eczema), facial flushing, red eyes, migraine headaches, urinary tract infections Treats constipation associated with illnesses and high fevers Useful for hot flashes
Health Concerns Channel Flow $31.85
Channel Flow is a natural herbal formula that has been shown to be equally effective at pain-relief as NSAIDs, ibuprofen, and aspirin without the negative side effects. The long term administration of NSAIDs, ibuprofen, and aspirin at regular adult dosages is deemed unsafe for most patients due to danger to the heart, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Opiates are contraindicated long term because they are addictive. Although many doctors prescribe Tylenol, it can be dangerous to the liver especially in high dosages. Gastrointestinal effects include acute biliary pain, cholestasis, nausea and vomiting. The long term safety of Tylenol has not been established. Because herbal formulas made in China are often adulterated with unsafe analgesics, Health Concerns wanted to provide a safe, consistent and effective formula manufactured here in the United States. Therapeutic Actions of Channel Flow: Has pain relieving and relaxant properties Helps relieve joint, muscle, abdominal and gynecological pain and cramping Treats headache, arthritis, and fibromyalgia, especially when used with other formulas Supports normal menstruation and a fertile environment Formula Channel Flow, a modified Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan Corydalis Extract Herbal Supplement, was developed by Misha Cohen, OMD, LAc, and Andrew Gaeddert, out of their clinical experience with fibromyalgia, abdominal pain, and gynecological disorders. This formula was designed for quick results. Corydalis (yan hu suo) was chosen as the chief herb for the formula, as it is very widely used in China for pain relief. It is 25% of the formula in a 7:1 extract. Corydalis invigorates the blood and alleviates pain. Corydalis also regulates Qi and is used for pain in the chest, abdomen, and epigastric area. It is also used for menstrual pain, as well as hernia-like (bearing down) pain. Corydalis has a mild sedative effect. Angelica (bai zhi) relieves pain, especially in the upper body, neck, and shoulders. Tang kuei (dang gui) has a special effect in relieving abdominal and uterine pain. Traditionally it is used for dysmenorrhea and arthritic pain. It increases local circulation of blood and has a warming effect. Its functions are to nourish, tonify, and invigorate the blood. Tang kuei, with salvia (dan shen) and myrrh (mo yao), alleviates pain due to blood stagnation in the extremities. White peony (bai shao) alleviates pain, spasms, and cramping. Cinnamon twig (gui zhi) was chosen for the specific effect of bringing the herbs to the surface of the body and to promote circulation of blood. The traditional functions include warming the channels. It has shown analgesic effects according to Western research. Salvia (dan shen) was chosen for its specific effect of relieving menstrual pain. Its traditional functions include invigorating blood and removing blood stasis and heat. According to Western research, salvia increases microcirculation of blood flow and has a sedative effect. Myrrh and frankincense are included for their functions in relieving pain. Frankincense (ru xiang) invigorates the blood and promotes movement of Qi. It alleviates pain and reduces swelling. Myrrh (mo yao) invigorates the blood, dispels blood stasis, reduces swelling and alleviates pain. Both frankincense and myrrh promote healing. Licorice (gan cao) alleviates pain and spasms, and has anti-inflammatory and detoxicant effects. Ingredients Corydalis extract rhizome (yan hu suo), Angelica root (bai zhi), White Peony root (bai shao), Cinnamon twig (gui zhi), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Salvia root (dan shen), Myrrh resin (mo yao), Frankincense resin (ru xiang), Licorice root (gan cao) About Health Concerns The First and Still the Best Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients. Commitment to Quality Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients. They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science. Mission & Values Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form. Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives. Product Quality Assurance Herb Selection Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated. Laboratory Testing Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level. Processing and Potency Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability. Combining Components They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process. Tableting and Packaging Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency. Fully Tested & Guaranteed All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities. At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference. Benefits This formula can be used successfully for relieving pain from knee tendonitis, tennis elbow, headaches, and for routine pain as you would an NSAID or Tylenol. Clients have used Channel Flow alone or with other herbal formulas for arthritis, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, headaches, TMJ pain, low back, shoulder and neck pain, and post-surgical recovery. The formula has also been used experimentally for foot and ankle pain. In general, two to three tablets provide equivalent pain relief to 400mg of ibuprofen. In pain clinics, motivated patients have found that Channel Flow can significantly lower the need for opiates. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Channel Flow, also known as Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan (modified), regulates Qi and blood and warms the channels. Clinical Case Studies: Case 1: A thirty-year-old patient who worked as a social worker was dependent on NSAIDs and ergot medications to control her migraines. A neurologist advised her to stop all NSAIDs and headache medicine. She was advised to stop these medications cold turkey to prevent rebound headaches. She found that three tablets of Channel Flow effectively stopped 90 percent of her headaches. Case 2: A patient who had rotator cuff surgery was prescribed oxycodone every 4-6 hours for post-surgical relief. He had many side effects from the drug and he was afraid he was going to become addicted. In addition to acupuncture, he found that two to three tablets of Channel Flow worked to control his pain without the side effects of the oxycodone. His surgeon commented that he had recovered faster from surgery than any other middle-aged patient. Use The standard serving is two to three tablets, three times per day. For acute conditions, it can be used four or more times per day. It is recommended that you take the formula between meals, two hours apart from medications. Channel Flow can be used symptomatically for pain. For best results, it should be incorporated into an overall pain management plan.
Health Concerns Man Yue Mei Clearing $31.85
Therapeutic Actions of Man Yue Mei Clearing™ (formerly Akebia Moist Heat): Treats urinary tract infection or inflammation accompanied by frequent and painful urination. Relieves factors related to bladder stones, kidney infection, painful or difficult urination, pelvic inflammatory disease, and prostatitis, cystitis, vaginitis Ingredients Cranberry fruit* (man yue mei), Corn silk (yu mi xi), Indian Plantain seed husk (che qian zi), Uva-Ursi leaf* (xiong guo), Japanese Knotwood root (hu zhang), Garlic bulb* (da suan), Achyranthes root* (niu xi), Gardenia fruit* (zhi zi), Dandelion root* (pu gong ying), Licorice root* (gan cao), Costus root*(mu xiang), Chinese Rhubarb rhizome* (zhi da huang); *extract About Health Concerns The First and Still the Best Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients. Commitment to Quality Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients. They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science. Mission & Values Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form. Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives. Product Quality Assurance Herb Selection Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated. Laboratory Testing Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level. Processing and Potency Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability. Combining Components They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process. Tableting and Packaging Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency. Fully Tested & Guaranteed All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities. At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference.   Formula Cranberry (man yue mei) enters the kidney, bladder, and large intestine; it promotes urination and drains heat. Corn silk (yu mi xi), Indian plantain (che qian zi), and uva ursi (xiong guo) relieve damp heat and assist in passing stones. Magnesium is an electrolyte and plays a critical role in kidney detoxification; it can reduce the risk of forming kidney stones. Garlic (da suan) resolves toxicity, strengthens the spleen, and reduces stagnation. Japanese knotweed (hu zhang) treats heat and supports the bladder, kidneys, and liver. Achyranthes (niu xi) invigorates the blood and qi. Gardenia (zhi zi) is one of the premier heat-clearing herbs in the Materia Medica; it also treats irritability, restlessness, and insomnia. Licorice (gan cao) is included for its harmonizing and detoxification actions. Costus (mu xiang) was added to the classic Ba Zheng San formula by ancient herbalist Zhu Dan Xi, to strengthen the transforming function of the bladder meridian. Chinese rhubarb (zhi da huang), removes heat through the stool. Benefits Traditional Chinese Medicine Functions: Clears fire and toxins in the lower burner Drains Dampness (diuretic) Use 3 capsules three times per day, between meals. For acute conditions, 3 capsules every 4 hours.90 capsules, 650mg
Health Concerns Isatis Gold $31.85
Health Concerns Isatis Gold™ is useful in treating: Bacterial and viral infections that cause inflammation and fever Upper respiratory, colds, flu, and bronchitis Supports normal respiratory function
Health Concerns Artestatin™ $75.85
Artemesia Anua Herbal Supplement Artemesia Anua Herbal Supplement  Treats acute infestations of protozoa — giardiasis, entamebiasis  Treats nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea caused by contaminated food bacillary and amoebic dysentery  Use in conjunction with biomedical therapy for malaria, cryptosporidiosis, shigellosis, and trichomoniasis 270 Capsules Product Description Artestatin is composed of herbs that inhibit the growth of amoebae. The chief herb in the formula is Chinese wormwood (artemisia; qing hao), which has been found through research to be effective in treating malaria and giardiasis, both caused by amoebic organisms. Cascara Sagrada (Frangula purshiana) is a bitter antimicrobial. Brucea (ya dan zi) is commonly found in Chinese formulas that address malaria and other amoebic conditions; research has found it is capable of killing parasites in the cyst stage. Chamomile (huang chu ju) relieves inflammation and Qi stagnation. Magnolia (hou po) and cang-zhu atractylodes (cang zhu) are aromatic herbs used primarily to promote the movement of Qi, transform dampness, and resolve stagnation; research has found magnolia bark to be effective against amoebic dysentery. Pinellia (ban xia) dries dampness, transforms phlegm, harmonizes the stomach and stops vomiting due to phlegm-dampness in the stomach. Eleuthero (ci wu jia) is warm, slightly bitter, and tonifies the spleen. Because chronic diarrhea drains Qi and fluids, codonopsis (dang shen) is used in this formula to tonify the Qi, strengthen the spleen, and generate fluids. Tangerine (chen pi) regulates the Qi and transforms phlegm. Licorice (gan cao) harmonizes and moderates the characteristics of the other herbs; it also tonifies the spleen and augments the Qi. Other herbs in Artestatin are effective in treating dysentery and summerheat conditions characterized by nausea, diarrhea, and headache. Ginger (gan jiang) warms the middle and expels cold and is used for conditions of deficiency due to insufficiency of the yang qi. Cardamom (sha ren) not only moves the Qi and transforms dampness; it is added to this formula to prevent stagnation from the formula’s tonifying herbs. Ingredients Chinese Wormwood (Artemisia) herb* qing huo, Cascara sagrada Frangula purshiana, Java Brucea fruit* ya dan zi, Chamomile flower* huang chu ju, Magnolia bark* hou po, Pinellia rhizome* ban xia, Eleuthero root* ci wu jia, Milk Thistle seed* shui fei ji, Tangerine peel* chen pi, Codonopsis root* dang shen, Licorice root* gan cao, Coptis root* huang lian, Ginger root* gan jiang, Cang-Zhu Atractylodes rhizome cang zhu, Cardamom fruit* sha ren Suggested Use Non-HIV infected individuals start at 1 capsule TID, and increase to 3 capsules TID, over a three-week period. HIV-infected or highly sensitive individuals start at 1 capsule per day, and increase to 2 capsules TID, over a three-week period. Administer before meals. 270 capsules, 650mg Contraindications: Do not use during pregnancy.
Health Concerns Skin Balance $29.87
Therapeutic Actions of Skin Balance: Reduces itching and skin inflammation Treats conditions existing in psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, hives, and other inflammatory skin conditions Removes toxins in blood which cause skin inflammation Facilitates recovery of skin tissues once the itching and inflammation are under control Moistens and nourishes the skin Formula Skin Balance by Health Concerns Chinese Herbs can be used for minor cases like pimples and localized itching. According to TCM these conditions are caused by heat, dampness, and toxins. Ingredients Barbat Skullcap herb (ban zhi lian), Oldenlandia herb (bai hua she she cao), Gentiana root (long dan cao), Rehmannia (raw) root (sheng di huang), Viola herb / root (zi hua di ding), Siler root (fang feng), Lonicera flower (jin yin hua), Lysimachia herb (jin qian cao), Coptis rhizome (huang lian), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Bupleurum root (chai hu), Carthamus flower (hong hua), Senna leaf (fan xie ye), Rhubarb rhizome (da huang) About Health Concerns The First and Still the Best Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients. Commitment to Quality Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients. They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science. Mission & Values Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form. Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives. Product Quality Assurance Herb Selection Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated. Laboratory Testing Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level. Processing and Potency Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability. Combining Components They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process. Tableting and Packaging Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency. Fully Tested & Guaranteed All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities. At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference. Benefits Skin Balance is designed to address skin inflammation. It is able to do four things: eliminate toxins, evaluating, reduce heat and dampness, and to nourish the skin through nourishing the blood. The herbs oldenlandia (bai hua she she cao), viola (zi hua di ding), and barbat skullcap (ban zhi lian) are used to reduce the toxins The herbs rehmannia root (sheng di huang), siler (fang feng), lonicera (jin yin hua), and coptis root (huang lian) are used to reduce the factors of heat and dampness. Liver heat is also reduced by using gentiana (long dan cao) and bupleurum (chai hu). The herbs Senna leaf (fan xie ye), rhubarb (da huang), carthamus (hong hua), and lysimachia (jin qian cao) are used to smooth bowel and water movements so as to purge the toxins out of the body. The herb Tang kuei (dang gui) is used to nourish the blood which will nourish the skin to facilitate recovery of skin tissues. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Clears liver heat, Cleans blood, Eliminates heat and dampness Use 3 tablets, three to four times a day, between meals Contraindications: Reduce dosage if diarrhea occurs
Health Concerns Cold Away $29.90
This formula may be used for the following symptoms: Cold Fever Sinus and chest congestion Coughing Aversion to wind Headache Sore throat Swollen tonsils
Sold out
Health Concerns Clear Heat $29.85
Clear Heat™ is recommended for those with smoker's cough, fatigue, fever, hives, headache, and cold. This formula is designed for people who have chronic toxic heat and inflammation usually associated with viral, bacterial, and fungal infections.
Health Concerns Virility Caps $33.90
This is an empirical formula based on Dr. Fung's 60 years of clinical experience. Some of the conditions that contribute to infertility in men are decreased libido, lack of energy, difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection, premature ejaculation, and low sperm count, poor sperm motility, among others. In Chinese medicine, the primary organ responsible for maintaining reproduction capabilities is the kidney; it also stores essence, which is the basis for sperm production. Common syndrome patterns that can give rise to infertility include insufficient kidney yang, kidney yin deficiency of Qi and blood, and constrained liver qi which causes blood stasis. When to use Virility Caps: Supports Male Fertility Supports Normal Erectile Function Useful for impotence, poor sperm count, and poor sperm mobility Can also be used for kidney yang deficiency Formula In this formula, the chief herb is kirin ginseng (ren shen) which strongly tonifies the basal qi and strengthens the spleen and tonifies the stomach. Cistanche salsa (rou cong rong) addresses impotence, spermatorrhea, and cold pain of the back. Morinda (ba ji tian) along with psoralea (bu gu zhi) tonify the kidney and Qi. Deer antler sediment (lu jiao shuang) and cynamorium (suo yang) tonify the kidney, with the latter aiding the smooth flow of Qi and blood. Herbs that tonify the blood are rehmannia (shu di huang), tang kuei (dang gui), and gelatinum (e jiao). Cinnamon bark (rou gui) warms the kidney and fortifies the yang. Cardamon (sha ren) promotes the movement of Qi and strengthens the stomach; in addition, it is added to this formula, which is tonifying in order to prevent the herbs from causing stagnation. Ingredients: Turmeric (curcuma longa) extract bound to soy phosphatidylcholine Kirin Ginseng root (ren shen), Epimedium leaf (yin yang huo), Cistanche salsa herb (rou cong rong), Morinda root (ba ji tian), Astragalus root (huang qi), Deer antler sediment (lu jiao shuang), Dipsacus root (xu duan), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Psoralea fruit (bu gu zhi), Eucommia bark (du zhong), Cynamorium plant (suo yang), Rehmannia (cooked) root (shu di huang), Cardamon fruit (sha ren), Gelatinum (e jiao), Cinnamon bark (rou gui) Benefits Supports Male Fertility Supports Normal Erectile Function Useful for impotence, poor sperm count, and poor sperm mobility Chinese Therapeutic effects: Warms kidney yang Relaxes the shen Tonifies the Qi and blood Use 2 to 3 capsules TID, between meals 90 vegetarian capsules, 750 mg., 15 day supply
Health Concerns Clearing $30.95
Addresses chronic vaginal and urethral irritation and inflammation May be used for chronic bladder infections Treats stomatitis (mouth sores)
Health Concerns Astra Isatis $27.80
Astragalus & Isatis Herbal Supplement for Immune System Health & Inflammation Therapeutic Actions of Astra Isatis™ Serves as an immune system tonic for chronic viral infections and inflammations accompanied by fatigue, facial flushing, agitation, and lymphatic swelling Useful for chronic fatigue syndrome, Herpes simplex, HIV, hepatitis According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Tonifies Qi, yin, and yang; Clears phlegm Formula This formula is designed for patients with weak constitutions who are prone to many infections. Ingredients Isatis extract leaf & root (da qing ye & ban lan gen), Astragalus root (huang qi), Bupleurum root (chai hu), Laminaria leaf (kun bu), Codonopsis root (dang shen), Epimedium leaf (yin yang huo), Lycium fruit (gou qi zi), Dioscorea root (shan yao), Ligustrum fruit (nu zhen zi), Broussonetia fruit (chu shi zi), White Atractylodes rhizome (bai zhu), Licorice root (gan cao) About Health Concerns The First and Still the Best Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients. Commitment to Quality Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients. They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science. Mission & Values Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form. Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives. Product Quality Assurance Herb Selection Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated. Laboratory Testing Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level. Processing and Potency Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability. Combining Components They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process. Tableting and Packaging Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency. Fully Tested & Guaranteed All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities. At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference. Benefits Astra Isatis combines isatis (da qing ye/ban lan gen), an herb with strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, with Qi, yin and yang tonics. The cooling and warming properties of the herbs are balanced in Astra Isatis to provide long-term therapy for chronic viral infections, which tend to exhaust the Qi and yang. The formula contains herbs that help calm an overactive metabolism and inhibit the agitating effects of pathogenic organisms. It includes spleen and kidney tonic herbs chosen for their immune enhancing properties and their ability to reduce inflammations. Laminaria (kun bu) regulates the thyroid and resolves lymphatic congestion. Bupleurum (chai hu) invigorates liver Qi and is used in the treatment of prolonged infections. Astragalus (huang qi), codonopsis (dang shen), white atractylodes (bai zhu) and dioscorea (shan yao) strengthen the spleen, and have immune enhancing properties according to Western research. Epimedium (yin yang huo) tonifies kidney yin and yang. Lycium (gou qi zi) nourishes kidney yin. Licorice (gan cao) tonifies the adrenal gland and has detoxifying properties. Use Take 3 tablets, three times daily
Health Concerns Clear Air $29.85
Therapeutic Actions of Clear Air™ Treats acute and chronic bronchitis, asthma, and bronchial asthma Treats chronic cough with phlegm, wheezing and chest pain associated with smoking and air pollution Combine with Western medication for pneumonia and tuberculosis
Health Concerns Stone Clearing Formula $30.95
Reformulated Jin Qian Cao Stone Herbal Formula for Kidney Support  Dissolves urinary and kidney stones  Promotes blood circulation  Diuretic Health Concerns Stone Clearing Formula  Stone Clearing (reformulated Jin Qian Cao Stone Formula) is a modification of a Chinese patent medicine (“Paswan” – named presumably for a pill – wan – that helps to pass stones), used to treat kidney stones. Phyllanthus and related herbs have been used worldwide for kidney stones and urogenital infections; in TCM it treats damp-heat in the lower jiao. Bupleurum relieves stagnant qi and helps prevent and dispel stones. Tribulus has been used to treat kidney stones and as an herbal diuretic. Other herbs that vitalize blood or have diuretic effects include Tenchi ginseng, Chinese peony and Plantago seed. Phyllanthus, bupleurum, Plantago, yin-chen wormwood, and Chinese peony eliminate damp-heat. Gardenia and Plantago clear heat and toxins. Bupleurum, Tenchi, and licorice have an anti-inflammatory effect. Bupleurum, Tienchi ginseng, and Chinese peony promote blood circulation. Tienchi ginseng is also traditionally used to reduce swelling and pain. Ingredients Phyllanthus amarus aerial* (Phyllanthus amarus), Bupleurum root* (chai hu), Tribulus fruit* (ji li), Gardenia fruit* (zhi zi), Yin-Chen Wormwood aerial* (yin chen hao), Plantago seed* (che qian zi), Japanese Knotweed root* (hu zhang), Chinese Peony root* (chi shao), Bitter Orange peel* (zhi qiao), Tienchi Ginseng root* (san qi), Licorice root (gan cao); *extract Suggested Use 3 capsules, three times per day, between meals
Health Concerns Woman's Balance $27.80
Woman's Balance may be used for: Irritability Headaches Dizziness Poor appetite Poor digestion Flatulence PMS with abdominal bloating, mild cramps and breast swelling Menstrual irregularity Menopausal distress Useful in treating hepatitis and liver cirrhosis Consider for Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS)
Health Concerns GB-6 $29.85
Therapeutic Actions of GB-6™ Relieves pathogenic elements that contribute to acute gallbladder colic (cholecystalgia) and help dissolve gall stones (cholelithiasis) Relieves chronic gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis) with indigestion, nausea, and discomfort in the flanks, epigastrium, or abdomen Effective in preventing stones in the urinary system According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Clears stagnant liver qi, Clears damp heat from the liver and gallbladder, Moves the blood
Health Concerns Heavenly Water $35.88
Therapeutic Actions of Heavenly Water: Treats PMS, irregular menstruation, breast distension and tenderness, abdominal bloating, constipation, dysmenorrhea and spotting Helpful in treating depression, headaches, sweet cravings, acne Heavenly Water is a complex formula designed for the complex needs of American women, who suffer from the effects of stress, lack of exercise, and high fat diets. The formula includes Western herbs known to regulate the menstrual period, including gotu kola as a substitute for bupleurum (chai hu). Chaste tree berries are widely used in Europe for hormonal irregularities. Heavenly Water is useful for treating PMS when various signs appear, breast pain, and headache; chronic digestive difficulties; facial acne. The formula also tonifies lung yin and clears lung heat to control rising liver energy.
Health Concerns Astra Essence $27.80
A restorative Zuo Gui Wan/You Gui Yin herbal tonic to support healthy brain and immune function as well as normal fertility Therapeutic Actions of Astra Essence™: Treats degenerative conditions and deterioration of brain function, vertigo, hearing loss, dizziness, and loss of memory Strengthens the immune system and speeds recovery from illness, especially useful in chemo and radiotherapies Use to balance blood glucose in diabetes Reduces frequent urination and hair loss Excellent overall tonic May be used as a tonic for infertility or impotence Formula Ingredients Astragalus root & seed (huang qi & sha yuan ji zi), Ligustrum fruit (nu zhen zi), Ho-shou-wu root (he shou wu), Lycium fruit (gou qi zi), Rehmannia (cooked) root (shu di huang), Eucommia bark (du zhong), Cuscuta seed (tu si zi), Ginseng root (ren shen), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Cornus fruit (shan zhu yu) About Health Concerns The First and Still the Best Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients. Commitment to Quality Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients. They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science. Mission & Values Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form. Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives. Product Quality Assurance Herb Selection Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated. Laboratory Testing Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level. Processing and Potency Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability. Combining Components They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process. Tableting and Packaging Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency. Fully Tested & Guaranteed All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities. At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference. Benefits Traditional Chinese Medicine Functions: Tonifies kidney essence (jing) Tonifies kidney yin and yang Tonifies Qi and blood Astra Essence maintains vitality and promotes longevity. The formula is a combination of tonic herbs to nourish essence and astringent herbs to prevent loss of essence. Emphasis is placed on balanced kidney tonification. Essence tonics are taken in order to slow aging and to prevent deterioration of body functions for those who are under constant stress. The formula is useful in our society where many show signs of premature aging or kidney deficiency from fast-paced lifestyles. Use 3 tablets, two or three times a day
Health Concerns Isatis Cooling Formula $27.80
Therapeutic Actions of Isatis Cooling: Treats Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, gastric ulcers Treats Leukorrhea accompanied by thick, dark, and smelly discharge and abdominal pain Treats prostate inflammations accompanied by discharge and constant pain May be used to treat urinary tract infections
Health Concerns Mobility 2 $32.95
This formula is recommended for those with inflammation and supports normal joint function. Health Concerns Mobility 2 may be used for the following: Supports normal joint and muscle function Low back pain Inflammation Poor circulation Post-stroke weakness Formula Mobility 2 is based on the traditional formula Clematis Combination (Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang). In traditional Chinese medicine, arthritis is caused by poor circulation, accumulation of moisture in the joints, and inflammation related to blood stagnation. Mobility 2 treats these conditions while also nourishing and circulating the blood and providing analgesic relief of pain. Ingredients Red Peony root (chi shao), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Ligusticum root (chuan xiong), Rehmannia (cooked) root (shu di huang), Persica kernel (tao ren), White Atractylodes rhizome (bai zhu), Poria sclerotium (fu ling), Citrus peel (chen pi), Siler root (fang feng), Vitex fruit (man jing zi), Gentiana root (qin jiao), Achyranthes root (niu xi), Chiang-huo rhizome (qiang huo), Clematis root (wei ling xian), Angelica root (bai zhi), Licorice root (gan cao) About Health Concerns The First and Still the Best Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients. Commitment to Quality Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients. They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science. Mission & Values Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form. Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives. Product Quality Assurance Herb Selection Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated. Laboratory Testing Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level. Processing and Potency Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability. Combining Components They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process. Tableting and Packaging Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency. Fully Tested & Guaranteed All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities. At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference. Benefits Supports normal joint and muscle function Low back pain Inflammation Poor circulation Post-stroke weakness According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Mobility 2™ also helps: Relieve the surface Dispel wind damp Activate blood circulation Promote the flow of water Vitalize blood circulation Use 2 to 4 tablets 3 times per day, between meals
Health Concerns Great Yin $29.85
Great Yin is best for: Menopause-night sweats Menopause-hot flashes
Health Concerns Eight Treasures $29.85
Eight Treasures may be used for the following: Post menstrual fatigue Delayed or Irregular menstruation Supports normal fertility Anemia from chronic illness or blood loss Blurry or weak vision Spots in Vision Dizziness/Veritgo Poor nails Poor circulation Consitpation Reduced appetite Fatigue
Health Concerns Mobility 3 $29.85
Health Concerns Mobility 3 may be used for the following: Support normal joint function Joint discomfort Mild lower back pain Leg soreness Formula This is an empirical formula based on Dr. Fung’s 60 years of clinical experience. Exposure to cold, wind, or dampness is a common occurrence, and can take place during sudden changes in weather or while participating in everyday outdoor activities. In other cases, exposure can result from being in a damp indoor environment for extended periods. In Chinese medicine, exposure to the excesses of cold, wind, or dampness leads to the initial symptoms of cough, runny nose, headache, fatigue, joint pain, and fever and chills. If not treated promptly, the cold, wind, or dampness accumulates, causing blood stasis, thus leading to more serious conditions, such as arthritis. Ingredients Kirin Ginseng root (ji lin shen), Cinnamon twig (gui zhi), Rehmannia (cooked) root (shu di huang), Ho-shou-wu root (he shou wu), Loranthus stem (sang ji sheng), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Cistanche salsa herb (rou cong rong), Ardisia gigantifolia root (zou ma tai), Chiang-huo rhizome (qiang huo), Angelica pubescens root (du huo), Tienchi root (san qi), Spatholobus stem (ji xue teng), Tinospora root (shen jin teng), Chaenomelis fruit (mu gua), Achyranthes root (niu xi), Ginger root: 5% gingerols (gan jiang) About Health Concerns The First and Still the Best Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients. Commitment to Quality Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients. They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science. Mission & Values Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form. Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives. Product Quality Assurance Herb Selection Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated. Laboratory Testing Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level. Processing and Potency Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability. Combining Components They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process. Tableting and Packaging Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency. Fully Tested & Guaranteed All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities. At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference. Benefits Therapeutic Actions: Treats physical discomfort due to exposure to wind, cold, or dampness. Symptoms include headache, numbness, pain, malaise, fatigue, and the like Treats arthritis and muscle pain that worsens in cold damp weather This formula is particularly suitable for persons over 30 years of age Chinese Therapeutic Effects: Tonifies the blood Invigorates the blood Dispels cold, wind, dampness Relieves joint pain Use 3 tablets 3 times per day, between meals
Health Concerns Unlocking Formula™ $33.90
Chinese Herbal PMS Formula For Menstrual Cramps & Related Pain Therapeutic Actions 1. Addresses menstrual pain with heat signs.2. Use for endometriosis, painful ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, chronic PID,chronic abnormal vaginal discharge, and various stages of cervicalintraepithelial neoplasia (cervical dysplasia), with heat signs. Chinese Therapeutic Effects Clears bound Qi, stagnant Qi, and stasis of blood Clears heat and dampness in the lower jiao Cools blood heat Administration Internal: 3 capsules, TID90 capsules, 650mg Ingredients Patrinia whole plant, bai jiang cao, Sargentodoxa herb, da xue teng, Cyathula root, chuan niu xi, Melia fruit, chuan lian zi, Yarrow aerial, ya luo, Chinese Peony root, chi shao, Poria sclerotium, fu ling, Fennel seed, xiao hui xiang, Tangerine peel, chen pi, Cang-Zhu, Atractylodes, rhizome, cang zhu, Bai-Zhu Atractylodes, rhizome, bai zhu, Phellodendron stem, bark, huang bai, Black Cohosh root, sheng ma, extract. Formula Rationale Unlocking addresses a complex pattern that may have taken some years to develop. In this pattern, dysmenorrhea or other pathological conditions (see Therapeutic Actions) are the results of damp heat mutually wrestling and knotting with stagnant Qi and blood in the lower burner. Stress, iatrogenesis (diseases caused by medical intervention), poor diet, smoking, and alcohol use, and exposure to sexually transmitted diseases facilitate dampness and heat to become entangled with stagnant Qi and blood giving rise to a common syndrome pattern seen in American women. Clinical Notes 1. Some or all of the following signs and symptoms of this pattern may be present;premenstrual lower abdominal pain, which worsens during the period, excessivemalodorous vaginal discharge, vaginal pruritus, vaginitis, herpes genitalia or cystitis prior to the onset of menstruation. Low back, sacral, or sciatic pain before or during the menses, foul-smelling menstrual discharge or clotted, purplish blood, or blood resembling thick stewed purplish red jam may be present. The tongue may manifest as swollen and red with a greasy, yellow coating in the rear. The pulse may be wiry and rapid and possibly slippery, sodden, or deep in one or more positions. 2. Excellent results have been reported regarding the use of this formula in the treatment of endometriosis.  Additional Formulas • Heavenly Water or Woman’s Balance when symptoms of PMS are present.• Channel Flow for acute menstrual cramps.• Three Immortals for menopause.• Nine Flavor Tea for kidney yin deficiency.• Combine Unlocking with Bupleurum Entangled Qi for uterine fibroids and cysts withheat signs (2 capsules of each formula QID).
Health Concerns Drain Dampness $29.85
Therapeutic Actions of Drain Dampness™ Diuretic, diaphoretic Strengthens the spleen Primary indications are edema, difficulty in urination, sensation of heaviness Secondary considerations are thirst, headaches, vomiting, foamy saliva, and pulsations below the naval
Health Concerns Shen-Gem™ $29.85
Therapeutic Actions of Shen-Gem: Treats insomnia, nervousness, and anxiety accompanied by palpitations, fatigue, poor appetite, pallor, dry skin, excessive sweating, and loss of memory May be used as a long term formula for those with immune disorders, chronic fatigue and chronic pain Shen-Gem is a modification of Ginseng and Longan formula (Gui Pi Wan), designed to strengthen the body while calming agitation.
Health Concerns CordySeng $30.95
Therapeutic Actions of CordySeng™ For fatigue associated with chronic illnesses or during recovery from a severe acute illness or operation For strengthening immune function Chronic bronchitis, asthma Improves athletic performance and oxygen utilization
Health Concerns Xanthium Relieve Surface $31.90
Xanthium Relieve Surface™ may be used for the following symptoms: Allergies Sinus headaches Aching muscles Hay fever Itchy skin rashes Stuffy or runny nose Phlegm and cough The First and Still the Best Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients. Commitment to Quality Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients. They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science. Mission & Values Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form. Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives. Product Quality Assurance Herb Selection Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated. Laboratory Testing Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level. Processing and Potency Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability. Combining Components They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process. Tableting and Packaging Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency. Fully Tested & Guaranteed All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities. At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference.   Formula Xanthium Relieve Surface is a combination of the traditional formulas Bi Yan Pian and Yu Ping Feng San (Jade Screen Formula). Xanthium (can er zi) and magnolia flower (xin yin) are widely used Chinese herbal decongestants. Platycodon (jie geng) directs the actions of the herbs to the lungs and nose, schizandra (wu wei zi) and licorice (gan cao) have antiallergenic and adaptogenic properties. Angelica (bai zhi), siler (fang feng) and schizonepeta (jing jie) have wind relieving properties that help relieve acute nasal and skin symptoms. Astragalus (huang qi) and white atractylodes (bai zhu) bolster defensive energy. Wild chrysanthemum (ye ju hua) enters the lung meridian and is included for respiratory conditions. Ingredients Xanthium fruit (cang er zi), Magnolia flower (xin yi hua), Platycodon root (jie geng), Schizandra fruit (wu wei zi), Angelica root (bai zhi), Wild Chrysanthemum flower (ye ju hua), Siler root (fang feng), Schizonepeta herb (jing jie), Astragalus root (huang qi), White Atractylodes root (bai zhu), Licorice root (gan cao) Benefits According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the Xanthium Relieve Surface™ formula helps: Open nasal passages Promote blood circulation and remove toxins Clear surface wind-heat Cool heat and dispel wind-dampness Use 3 tablets, three times a day, between meals. For acute conditions, 3 tablets every 4 hours.