Men's Health

Acceleradine® Iodine $32.95
Discover the transformative power of Acceleradine® Iodine, an advanced liquid iodine supplement designed to support your overall health and well-being. Acceleradine® Iodine is packed with bioavailability, meaning it is designed for maximum cell absorption.  Whether it has been suggested you take iodine for your thyroid or seeking an iodine supplement for optimal health, Acceleradine® iodine will soon be your new favorite supplement. Comparing Different Types of Iodine Supplements Not all iodine supplements are created equal! Our bodies absorb some forms of iodine better than others. This depends on the source of the iodine and its chemical form in the supplement. Learn about different types of iodine and which ones you should take for optimal results. Iodine Deficiency According to a study by Dr David Brownstein, 96% of the US population is iodine deficient.  Important points about iodine to remember: Our thyroid gland relies on iodine to function.  Our bodies do not produce iodine, so we must obtain it from external sources such as our diet. Toxins, radiation, processed foods, industrial farming practices and global climate change have resulted in declining iodine levels. This is a major concern when we have an organ, the thyroid gland, relying on it for optimal health. Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency Symptoms of iodine deficiency include: Fatigue Weight gain Constipation Depression Brain fog Cold intolerance Dry skin and nails Why Acceleradine® Iodine? A 100% bioactive ionic iodine, and programmed with scalar frequency, Acceleradine® Iodine is a superior liquid iodine supplement. 2% tincture of pure, natural, singlet, active iodine (I¯) Highly Bioavailable Vigilantly Pure and Radiation Free Iodine Health Benefits Thyroid Function Support Iodine provides essential support to the thyroid gland, a crucial organ for regulating metabolism, fat burn, and weight management. Iodine is a key component in the production of thyroid hormones, helping to maintain a healthy and balanced metabolic rate. Energy Metabolism Iodine is integral to the production of thyroid hormones, which play a vital role in energy metabolism and fat burning.  Immune System Boost Adequate iodine levels are essential for a robust immune system. Iodine contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system, helping your body defend itself against external threats and promoting overall wellness. It helps devitalize foreign pathogens including viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Cognitive Function Iodine is crucial for brain health and cognitive function. Iodine supports the synthesis of neurotransmitters, aiding in mental clarity, focus, and overall cognitive performance. It also detoxes the brain of fluoride, lead and other toxins that cause brain fog. Iodine deficiency is the number one cause of depression. Detoxification Support Iodine plays a role in the detoxification process, helping the body eliminate toxins and maintain a healthy balance.  Cellular Health Iodine is essential for the health of every cell in the body. Iodine supports cellular function, contributing to overall well-being and helping to maintain healthy tissues. Reproductive Health Iodine is crucial to the functioning of the reproductive system. Iodine supports reproductive health in both men and women, playing a role in fertility and overall reproductive well-being. Thyroid Antioxidant Protection Iodine acts as an antioxidant, protecting the thyroid gland and all cells in the body from oxidative stress. This helps to maintain the integrity of the thyroid tissue and supports its optimal function. INGREDIENTS Acceleradine® Iodine is a scalar-charged 2% tincture of vigilantly pure, natural, singlet, active iodine (I¯). A proprietary process suspends this extremely high frequency iodine formula in its simplest form (atoms — not molecules, compounds, or complexes), making it extremely bioavailable (~100%). This 2% singlet iodine atom (I¯) tincture in pure, non-GMO grain alcohol is a negatively charged, true ionic tincture. Proprietary, private testing shows this iodine is radiation-free due to its vigilantly pure source of iodine. DIRECTIONS Start slowlyStart with 3 drops in water 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Increase by 1 drop per dose per day until you get to 25 drops three times a day. Continue with 75 drops per day. Take at least 15 minutes before food or other supplements.  Basic/Advanced SaturationIf you experience detox, nausea, throat burn, or stimulated heart rate, stop for 48 hours. Bioavailable iodine won’t harm you, but overdoing any potentially detoxifying supplement or food can make you feel very tired, achy, irritable, restless, or experience many other cleanse reactions, so always start with small servings and gradually increase as long as you don’t have any adverse reactions. ImportantContinue taking 25 drops 3 times per day. If you choose to take only 2 doses, you can take 37 drops twice a day.Please take Acceleradine® Iodine at least 15 minutes before or 1 hour after food.Acceleradine® Iodine never substitutes thyroid medications FAQ'S What makes Acceleradine® Iodine unique? It’s vigilantly pure and radiation free. Both the iodine source used in Acceleradine® (from a pristine, uncontaminated, underground mine site in South America) and the non-GMO grain alcohol have been tested and shown to be radiation free! It’s 100% Bioavailable. This is a 2% singlet iodine atom (I ¯ ) negatively charged, true ionic tincture. Our proprietary process suspends this extremely high frequency iodine formula in its simplest form — atoms (not molecules, compounds, or complexes). It has superior cell uptake compared to: iodine (I2); potassium iodide (KI) or iodate (KIO3); sodium iodide (NaI); ammonium iodide (NH4I); iodine trichloride (ICl3″halogen displacement); & povidone iodine (I2+synthetic polymer—in drugstores and hospitals) What are the symptoms of Iodine Deficiency? Overweight/underweight, chronic fatigue especially upon rising, depression, irritability, recurrent infections, muscle weakness/aches, joint aches, sensitivity to cold (cold hands/feet), headaches, constipation, decreased libido, high/low body temperature, high/low heart rate/blood pressure, increased sweating, high cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, heart enlargement, fluid retention from decreased lymph drainage, increased allergies, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, difficulty breathing, impaired concentration/memory, slow speech, thick tongue, hoarseness, painful menstruation, infertility, miscarriages, decreased kidney function, gastrointestinal disturbances, blood calcium problems, deafness, unsteadiness, obstructive sleep apnea, myxedema, bug eyes, etc. For more information on the importance of Iodine and it’s functions, please read this document: AHP Iodine – The Universal & Holistic Super Mineral [pdf] Acceleradine® is a registered trademark of Accelerated Health Products LLC.
Accelerated Colloidal Silver® $41.95
Accelerated Colloidal Silver® delivers additional potency by being charged with scalar technology to help powerfully support, strengthen and boost your immune system. Ultra fine pure Colloidal Silver 99.99% Like no other Colloidal Silver on the market Clear, not yellow or brown, for purity and efficacy 100% Alkaline  Helps boost the immune system Helps alkalize the blood Made with proprietary Scalar Silver technology Uses ozonated and UV sterilized distilled water Bio Energetically Imprinted to enhance its efficacy Safe with no risk of side-effects Alkaline pH of 8.0 Gluten-free, Vegan & Cruelty-free Made in the United States Accelerated Colloidal Silver® is programmed with SCALAR frequencies to: Clear emotional and physical shock from the body Improves the health of the Thymus Improves Lung function Devitalizes viruses Devitalizes bacteria COLLOIDAL SILVER FAQ'S WHAT IS COLLOIDAL SILVER? Traditional colloidal silver of the past now seems somewhat old school, and it has been replaced with new technologies that are now marketed without even mentioning the word "colloidal" on their bottle or advertising.  Colloidal simply means “particles suspended in water”. Therefore, colloidal silver is silver particles suspended in water. Don't be misled by many of the so called "colloidal silver solutions" or homemade silver solutions that are simply not put through the same rigorous testing and sophisticated manufacturing processes as Accelerated Colloidal Silver®. True Colloidal Silver should NOT be yellow or brown in color.  Real colloidal silver is made up of 2 or more atoms of silver that are not bound to any other substance and can be separated out of the solution if desired.A high concentration of this type of silver with enough PPM’s (parts per million) will change the color of the water to a golden yellow tint. If the particle size of the silver issmall enough and the ppm is lower, then the color of the solution can also be clear. It is extremely important to make sure that whatever colloidal silver product you are ingesting is made with only steam distilled water and pure silver (99.99% pure).Most companies will not spend the extra money to use steam distilled water as the equipment necessary is expensive. COLLOIDAL SILVER BENEFITS Many studies have been conducted on the powerful virus and bacteria devitalizing properties of colloidal silver. Colloidal silver has been used for centuries, and today is used as a first-line oral and topical solution to fight bacteria, viruses and infection. WHAT IS COLLOIDAL SILVER USED FOR? Colloidal silver has numerous applications, including: Wound healing Virus and bacteria support Sinus infections (see Accelerated Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray) Nebulize to help with virus-related breathing difficulties Ear and eye infections Pet eye and ear infections COLLOIDAL SILVER FOR PINK EYE The antibacterial properties of silver, and the clarity and purity of Accelerated Colloidal Silver® make it a perfect chemical-free alternative for pink eye. PETS AND COLLOIDAL SILVER For dog eye infections, spray silver in the eyes. Silver is known as a natural antibiotic so any infection in the eye, such as pink eye, allergy or inflammation may be helpedwith silver. They may blink a bit but it is just like spraying water in their eyes.For dog ear infections, put 2-3 drops of silver in each ear to help fight ear infections caused by bacteria, virus, or any foreign pathogen. COLLOIDAL SILVER MYTHS Will I turn blue taking silver? NO! Critics of colloidal silver will state that silver can cause Argyria, or turn you “blue”. This statement has been debunked, as Argyria is caused by silver compounds, suchas silver nitrate, silver sulfate, silver sulfadiazine, etc., and not micro-particles of pure elemental silver.  Is Colloidal Safe? The Environmental Protection Agency’s Poison Control Center reports no toxicity listing for colloidal silver. Regular doses of colloidal silver can act as a second immune system by assisting the body in the war against invading microorganisms. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics which destroy beneficial enzymes, colloidal silver leaves these tissue-cell enzymes intact. In other words, it does not harm the good tissue or affect your “good” gut bacteria.   Accelerated Colloidal Silver® is a registered trademark of Accelerated Health Products LLC.
Accelerated Fast™ $74.95
The Ultimate Intermittent Fasting and Keto Supplement Accelerated Fast™ is not just any fasting or keto supplement, it is a novel energy formula that supplies the body with exogenous ketones and combines these ketones with other synergistic amino's and herbs that allow the body to convert even more fat into more ketones for more energy compared to other products. The ingredients in Accelerated Fast™ are combined to: Help improve mental focus & increase performance Support optimal results from Intermittent Fasting Boost ketones Convert fat to provide sustained energy Curb sugar and carb cravings Support a low carb lifestyle Suppress appetite Support faster metabolism Help with weight management Provide energy for muscles and brain Help stimulate a metabolic shift away from glucose dependence Provide a constant source of clean energy that lasts for 8-12 hours Allow the cells to produce 10 times the amount of energy than from glucose Support cognitive health by allowing the brain to use ketones for energy Prevent brain fog Reduce cravings for carbs and sugars Help with appetite control allowing for easy intermittent fasting Help to make it easier to stick to a ketogenic diet BHB ketone bodies supply an immediate boost of energy Accelerated Fast™ is programmed with frequencies to:  Clear emotional and physical shock from the body  Cleanse the Liver  Convert saturated fat to unsaturated fat  Increase base metabolic rate   Accelerated Fast™ is a registered trademark of Accelerated Health Products LLC.
Accelerated Scalar Copper® $52.98
A Pure, Bioavailable Liquid Copper Supplement Made with Proprietary Scalar Copper Technology, Accelerated Scalar Copper® is the only nano scalar liquid copper supplement treated with water implosion technology and enhanced with scalar frequencies to enhance the absorption and increase the efficacy.  The Importance of Copper Supplementation Copper is an essential trace mineral that plays a vital role in various bodily functions, including: Energy production: Helps convert food into energy. Red blood cell formation: Necessary for producing hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. Connective tissue formation: Assists in the production of collagen and elastin, which are crucial for skin, bones, and blood vessels. Immune system function: Supports the immune system's ability to combat infections. Iron absorption: Facilitates the body's absorption of iron, another essential mineral. Brain and nervous system health: Contributes to the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. In summary, copper is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. Due to a decline in soil nutrients, processed food and sugars, we are not getting the same amount of essential copper as we need. Copper suplementation is the perfect way to ensure you body gets the copper it needs. Copper is also the HIDDEN HERO OF FAST LOSS! LEARN ABOUT COPPER & FAT LOSS Why Accelerated Scalar Copper® for Copper Supplementation? Increased Absorption.  Most copper supplements only have 5% absorption whereas Accelerated Scalar Copper® has 99% absorption.   Made with Proprietary Scalar Copper Technology.  Accelerated Scalar Copper® is the only nano scalar copper solution treated with water implosion technology and enhanced with Scalar frequencies to enhance the absorption and increase the efficacy.   Made only with ozonated and UV sterilized distilled water and 99.99% Ultra fine pure scalar copper.  Using nano copper makes sure that it does not bioaccumulate to toxic levels as other supplements with much larger particles can do.   Treated With Proprietary Water Implosion Technology.  This energizes the copper and structures the copper hydrosol.   Enhanced with Scalar Frequencies.  The scalar frequencies imprint healthy bio-patterns to help with rejuvenation effects in the brain and body. Accelerated Scalar Copper® is programmed with frequencies to: Clear emotional and physical shock from the body Improved structural integrity Balance copper and zinc Devitalize fungus Accelerated Scalar Copper® Directions and Applications: Take 1-2 Tbsp. in the morning; leave in the mouth for a minute and swallow.  Spray directly on the skin for infections or helping skin integrity.  Spray on surfaces as a disinfectant. Copper is a well known natural disinfectant, easily neutralizing viruses, bacteria, fungus and mold. Accelerated Scalar Copper® is a registered trademark of Accelerated Health Products LLC.
Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder $52.98
Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder is your daily detox drink and GUT SUPERHERO. The ultimate solution for revitalizing your gut health and well-being, this groundbreaking detox drink is meticulously formulated to provide your body with a potent and efficient daily detoxification experience, helping you unlock a new level of vitality and energy. Combining the ultra-cleansing properties of Micronized Zeolite, Diatomaceous Earth, Activated Charcoal, Triphala, Slippery Elm and fat absorbing Chitosan, Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder is your 100% Certified Organic Daily Detox Drink, enhanced with scalar frequencies for superior efficacy. Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder is programmed with scalar frequencies to: Clear emotional and physical shock from the body Detox the body from pesticides and insecticides Detox the body from heavy metals and radiation Key Features: Advanced Detoxification: Scientifically blended formula designed to target toxins at the cellular level, promoting a gentle yet thorough cleanse of your body's systems. Healthier Gut and Colon: Helps rid the gut and colon of toxins by soaking up poisons including alcohol and other toxic substances in addition to reducing inflammation and restoring a healthy gut microbiome. Rapid Results: Experience faster detoxification and feel the benefits sooner, thanks to our carefully selected blend of powerful detoxifying ingredients. Natural Ingredients: We pride ourselves on using high-quality, natural ingredients that are gentle on your body while delivering exceptional detox results. Enhanced Vitality: As your body rids itself of harmful impurities, you'll notice a surge in energy levels and a revitalized sense of well-being. Easy to Use: Simply mix the Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder with water or, for extra flavor, add a teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar, sweetener, and ice. Trusted Quality: Produced in state-of-the-art facilities and rigorously tested, our product ensures both safety and effectiveness. Scalar Enhanced: We have embedded scalar frequencies to detox the body from insecticides, pesticides, heavy metals, and radiation, in addition to releasing physical and emotional shock from the body. Elevate your health and start your journey to a toxin-free body with our Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder. It's time to feel the difference, embrace vibrant health, and unleash your body's full potential. Make the smart choice for your well-being at a cellular level. Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder is a registered trademark of Accelerated Health Products LLC.
Dr Amie Hornaman's Thyroid Fixxr® T2 $44.99
Losing fat and getting your energy back never goes fast enough, and optimizing your thyroid doesn’t either. The power of T2 to improve your body’s ability to burn fat without the jittery, hyper side effects is simply amazing… and that’s what you get with Thyroid Fixxr™.  Most supplements that claim to burn fat and boost your energy end up tanking your adrenals and make you feel worse than you did before. Not this one! T2 will support thyroid function and help you get your life back (even if you’re on T4 only). T2 gives your mitochondria a kick in the pants! What that means for you…crazy energy, intense fat burning, better mood, better skin, better hair. The possibilities are endless. Thyroid Fixxr® Ingredients Panel Coleus Forskohlii L-Tyrosine 3,5-Diiodothyronine Bioperine
Accelerated Colloidal Gold® $52.98
The amazing health benefits of colloidal gold have been documented for centuries. Now, discover Accelerated Colloidal Gold®, super-charged with scalar technology to offer the ultimate support for mental health. This best-selling Scalar Enhanced Colloidal Gold helps boost mental well-being so you can feel your best. Studies have show that Colloidal Gold may: Increase Focus and Concentration Help Enhance Mood Help Alleviate Anxiety Help Reduce Inflammation and support arthritic conditions Help Improve Skin Health Made with proprietary Scalar Technology Uses ozonated and UV-sterilized distilled water Bio Energetically Imprinted with healing codes to enhance beneficial effects Alkaline pH Safe with no risk of side-effects Accelerated Colloidal Gold® is programmed with scalar frequencies to: Clear emotional and physical shock from the body Improve memory Improve spiritual health   Accelerated Colloidal Gold® is a registered trademark of Accelerated Health Products LLC.
Accelerated Scalar Castor Oil $32.95
Accelerated Scalar Castor Oil is enhanced with scalar frequency, is free of pesticides and chemicals, is 100% pure, made with plant-based castor oil, and is able to penetrate all three layers of the skin. It is very effective when mixed with the extremely bioactive, scalar-enhanced charged singlet atoms of iodine (I-), Acceleradine®, and applied to the skin.  Suggested Accelerated Castor Oil Uses: “Mixture”: Mix Accelerated Scalar Castor Oil and Acceleradine® Iodine in a small glass container. Using a wooden spoon mix to a light to medium brown color based on the sensitivity of the skin area you are targeting (skin regularly exposed to sunlight is less sensitive). Prepare the mixture fresh each time as the Acceleradine® will evaporate out of the mixture. Apply the mixture with sanitized hands; or use Q-tip for gums, nose, or septum scars; or use clean rubber gloves if applying large amounts of the mixture from head to toe to cover all of your skin.  Expedite results by using a Castor Oil Pack for targeting appropriate glands, organs, joints, etc. with heat.   The mixture can be applied to the following areas for healing: Thyroid. Apply below Adam’s apple Scar tissue to break it up. Joint pain  Pre-menstrual discomfort areas such as the abdomen and/or lower back  Abdomen during pregnancy  Breasts during lactation in between feedings  Bruises  Other targeted glands and organs (e.g., adrenals, ovaries, etc.).   Cosmetic Uses for Castor Oil Castor oil is a versatile and popular natural oil that has been used for various cosmetic purposes for centuries. Here are some common cosmetic uses of castor oil: Eyelashes and Eyebrows: Applying castor oil to eyelashes and eyebrows may promote hair growth and thickness. Scalp Treatment: Massaging castor oil into the scalp can help improve circulation, nourish hair follicles, and promote healthy hair growth. Moisturizer: Castor oil is a rich emollient, which means it helps to moisturize and soften the skin. It can be applied to areas of dry or rough skin, such as elbows, knees, and heels. Anti-Aging: The fatty acids in castor oil can help stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which may reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Acne Treatment: Castor oil has antimicrobial properties that may help in treating acne. It can be applied topically to affected areas, but it's essential to patch test first as it may not be suitable for everyone. Cleansing Oil: Castor oil is often used in the oil cleansing method. It can help dissolve impurities, makeup, and excess oil on the skin without stripping it of its natural oils. Lip Balm: The thick consistency of castor oil makes it a good ingredient for homemade lip balms. It helps moisturize and nourish the lips. Cuticle Care: Massaging castor oil into the cuticles can help soften and strengthen them. It may also promote healthier nail growth. Stretch Mark Prevention: Pregnant women often use castor oil to massage the abdomen to help prevent stretch marks. However, individual results may vary. Sunburn Relief: Castor oil can be applied to sunburned skin to soothe and moisturize. Its anti-inflammatory properties may provide relief. Massage Oil: Due to its viscosity, castor oil makes an excellent base for massage oils. It can be mixed with other carrier oils and essential oils for added benefits. 100% PURE CASTOR OIL FREE FROM CHEMICALS AND PESTICIDES 
Accelerated NucNoMore® EMF Protection Drops $74.95
Accelerated NucNoMore® Oral Radiation Drops ORAL RADIATION EMF PROTECTION FORMULA The ultimate in radiation EMF protection, NucNoMore Radiation Drops are scalar frequency charged ORMES oral drops that support the removal of harmful non-ionizing and ionizing radiation, including EMFs. 1 fl oz bottle (29.6 ml) Directions: Take 12 drops under the tongue in the morning. Increase potency when taking immediately after the first dose of Acceleradine Iodine. Take radiation drops seven days a week until you finish two bottles. Take it four days a week for maintenance. Upon exposure to radiation, dose it daily for two weeks and then return to four days a week.    Accelerated NucNoMore® Radiation Drops is a registered trademark of Accelerated Health Products LLC.
Accelerated Bundle from $123.20 $136.88
Experience the Power of Accelerated Colloidals This premium bundle offers a unique combination of Accelerated Scalar Copper®, Accelerated Colloidal Silver®, and Accelerated Colloidal Gold®, providing a potent blend of natural elements for your well-being. These accelerated colloids are designed to enhance absorption and bioavailability, ensuring maximum benefits. Enhanced with our proprietary Scalar Technology and Water Implosion Technology, exclusive to Accelerated Health Products. Made with proprietary Scalar Technology Uses ozonated and UV sterilized distilled water Bio Energetically Imprinted for enhanced efficacy Safe with no risk of side-effects Alkaline pH Gluten-free, Vegan & Cruelty-free Made in the United States Ingredients: Accelerated Scalar Copper®: Known for its role in collagen production, energy metabolism, and immune function. Accelerated Colloidal Silver®: Historically used for its antimicrobial properties and support of overall health. Accelerated Colloidal Gold®: Prized for its potential to enhance cellular communication and promote vitality.
N1o1 Nitric Oxide Lozenges $79.98
N1o1 Nitric Oxide Lozenges - Nitric Oxide Supplement Developed by Dr. Nathan S. Bryan, the world’s leading expert on Nitric Oxide production, this Nitric Oxide generating supplement is specially formulated to support the rapid boost of Nitric Oxide production in the body. It works to support the body’s natural Nitric Oxide production and provides a source of N.O. as it dissolves in the mouth. Formulated by the Expert: Developed by renowned expert Dr. Nathan S. Bryan, N1o1 Nitric Oxide Lozenges were designed to boost your body’s natural production of Nitric Oxide, promoting overall wellness. Efficient Delivery System: N1o1 utilizes an advanced delivery system, where the lozenge dissolves in your mouth to provide a potent source of Nitric Oxide. This direct method supports Nitric Oxide production in your body. “If your body is unable to produce Nitric Oxide, our Nitric Oxide lozenge will take care of it for you.” Additionally, the lozenges may enhance your body’s natural ability to produce Nitric Oxide. Holistic Health Support: N1o1 lozenges are designed to support circulatory health for both men and women at every stage in life. They support artery dilation that may help improve blood circulation and regulate blood pressure, fostering a healthier, more active body. Enhanced Blood Flow: Our lozenges may support oxygenation in the blood as well as enhance blood flow throughout the body. This can contribute to better nutrient delivery, improved brain function, and increased physical performance. Easy-to-Use and Convenient: Taking N1o1 lozenges is almost effortless. Just place a lozenge in your mouth, move it around over the top of your tongue as it dissolves, and swallow, that’s it! Nitric Oxide Supplement Description Developed by Dr. Nathan S. Bryan, the world’s leading expert on Nitric Oxide production, this Nitric Oxide generating supplement is specially formulated to support the rapid boost of Nitric Oxide production in the body. It works to support the body’s natural Nitric Oxide production and provides a source of N.O. as it dissolves in the mouth. Our innovative formula uses an advanced delivery system that provides an exogenous source of Nitric Oxide that may support the following: • Improve Nitric Oxide production.• Enhance oxygen and nutrient delivery to cells.• Support cardiovascular health.• Aid normal heart function.• Support healthy blood circulation and blood pressure.• Create healthy blood flow to the brain and other organs.• Deliver antioxidant support.• Support cognitive function and memory. How To Use Take 1 Lozenge Twice a Day to Undo Years of DamageAdults take 1 lozenge twice daily 12 hours apart, ideally on an empty stomach as a dietary supplement. Place one lozenge in the mouth. Continually move around mouth above tongue until completely dissolved and swallow your saliva.Place one lozenge in the mouth, moving the tablet around over the top of the tongue as it dissolves. Once the tablet has fully dissolved, swallow the remaining saliva. DO NOT swallow the lozenge whole.Why Does the Lozenge Need to Dissolve?N1O1 is an orally disintegrating lozenge. It’s designed to release Nitric Oxide as it dissolves in the mouth.Safety and Storage InformationConsult with your doctor before use if you are: Pregnant Nursing Taking medication Taking organic nitrates Taking phosphodiesterase inhibitors Having difficulty swallowing Diagnosed with a medical condition Discontinue use if you experience dizziness or fainting, which could be the result of low blood pressure.N1o1 should be stored in a dry place that’s kept at room temperature. Keep the container tightly closed at all times and never use if the clear seal is broken or missing prior to purchase. N1O1 is for adult use only. Always store in a place that is out of the reach of children.The supplements may change color over time naturally, but this in no way alters the effectiveness of the product.
Wild-Lytes™ Electrolytes $54.00
Electrolyte balance means more than basic hydration—It’s a pillar of vibrant health. From ordinary activity and exercise to illness and overtaxed adrenals, electrolyte balance is a key player in our body’s ability to perform and recover, whatever the day throws our way. Wild-Lytes goes beyond the scope of a simple electrolyte formula to target the effects of daily stress, inflammation, adrenal fatigue and immune disruption at a cellular level, providing a foundation for whole-body health in every glass. What makes Wild-Lytes a powerhouse supplement is the synergetic effects of its cornerstone ingredients: Himalayan sea salt is mineral-rich and contains the natural electrolytes our body depletes through exercise, illness, and our everyday stress response. Cilantro supports oxygenation of the blood and is a natural liver detoxifier, helping to alleviate adrenal fatigue and unburden our overtaxed immune systems. Watermelon contains citrulline, a building block of nitric oxide—vital for cardiovascular function—and is rich in vitamins A, B6, and C, potassium, magnesium and l-arginine—an amino acid that manages blood supply to the muscles and can relieve muscle cramping and fatigue. Each element is powerful on its own, but transformed in union, supporting cellular communication for optimal results. Wild-Lytes Can Help Balance and Support: Hydration & Electrolyte Balance Detoxification Muscle Cramping & Fatigue Immune Function Mineralization Heart and Cardiovascular Function Adrenal Function Oxalate, Sulfur and Uric Acid Metabolism Lymphatic Metabolism Histamine Flairs Joint Pain and Swelling Blood Sugar Regulation Skin Health Wild-Lytes Formula Not all supplements are created equal. The Wild-Lytes formula takes into account commonly overlooked genetic sensitivities, and is free of oxalates and sulfur-containing compounds – common additives in standard supplements that have been shown to contribute to inflammation and poor microbial health which encourage the growth of pathogens and sparking immune irritation. Unlike many electrolyte supplements, nothing in this formulation down-regulates phase one liver detoxification or blocks sulfation pathways for oxalate metabolism. Wild-Lytes intentionally omits imbalancing ingredients to optimize epigenetic response for maximum efficacy and absorption. It is clean and pure – free from gluten, dairy, and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Ingredients: Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) contains a variety of nutrients including, vitamins A, C, B6, B1, potassium, magnesium, pantothenic acid, copper, riboflavin, iron, phosphorus, and manganese. It is rich in arginine, an amino acid involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide dilates blood vessels helping to increase blood flow and reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Nitric oxide is also involved in regulating the immune system. The vitamin C in watermelon is an essential micronutrient that is a powerful antioxidant and cofactor for a variety of enzymes. Vitamin C also contributes to immune defense and may even help treat respiratory and systemic infections. Lastly, watermelon contains both potassium and magnesium, which may be associated with improved heart health. Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) is rich in phytonutrients, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds. It is a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins A, C, E, K, calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium. Cilantro contains antioxidants that help protect against oxidative stress, mostly due to its quercetin content. The leaves and stem of cilantro have been shown to lower blood sugar in animal studies. Research in diabetic animals has shown cilantro can support liver function, balance blood sugar,  and manage cholesterol and triglycerides. Cilantro also contains antibacterial properties, helping to fight off Listeria. In addition, cilantro accelerates the removal of heavy metal from the body. Accumulation of heavy metals in the body can lead to dysfunction in hormonal regulations, neurological function, blood flow and circulation. Himalayan Pink Salt is millions of years old and untouched by many of the toxins and pollutants that are found in other forms of salt. Himalayan Pink salt contains various natural minerals, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc. This helps maintain electrolyte balance and support the body’s cellular functions. Directions: Take 1 scoop (3/4 tsp) 1 to 3 times a day.
Microbiome Labs RestorFlora™ $43.99
SPORE + YEAST PROBIOTIC is our recommended advanced probiotic to maintain a healthy intestinal environment. What is RestorFlora™? RestorFlora™ is a probiotic that combines three well-studied and widely used probiotic strains – Saccharomyces boulardii, Bacillus subtilis, and Bacillus clausii. This combination of clinically studied, friendly probiotic yeast and probiotic bacteria offers comprehensive digestive flora support with an advanced, dual-action approach to maintain a healthy intestinal environment. Saccharomyces boulardii is well-studied and extensively used for its ability to support digestion and immune function. However, a product containing only S. boulardii has limitations with regards to other probiotic functions. RestorFlora™ represents a significant advancement that overcomes these limitations with the addition of Bacillus subtilis HU58™ and Bacillus clausii SC109. RestorFlora™ has the ability to effectively colonize in the digestive tract in order to provide immune support. Benefits of RestorFlora™ Supports a balanced intestinal flora Promotes intestinal health Supports healthy bowel movement Aids in digestion Supports the body's detoxification process Supports healthy immune function Maintains regularity Instructions 1-2 capsule per day with a meal, or as directed by your physician. Capsules may be opened to sprinkle contents on soft foods, water, juice, or other non-carbonated beverages for easy consumption.
-10% sale
Accelerated Colloidal Silver 3 Pack $113.27 $125.85
Accelerated Colloidal Silver® (previously Accelerated Scalar Silver) delivers additional potency by being charged with scalar technology to help powerfully support, strengthen and boost your immune system. Ultra fine pure Colloidal Silver 99.99% Like no other Colloidal Silver on the market Clear, not yellow or brown, for purity and efficacy 100% Alkaline  Helps boost the immune system Helps alkalize the blood Made with proprietary Scalar Silver technology Uses ozonated and UV sterilized distilled water Bio Energetically Imprinted to enhance its efficacy Safe with no risk of side-effects Alkaline pH of 8.0 Gluten-free, Vegan & Cruelty-free Made in the United States Accelerated Colloidal Silver® is programmed with Scalar frequencies to: Clear emotional and physical shock from the body Improves the health of the Thymus, Improves Lung function, Devitalizes viruses Devitalizes bacteria Get your FREE COPY of Sara Banta's The Practical Guide To Colloidal Silver.   Accelerated Colloidal Silver® 3 Pack is a registered trademark of Accelerated Health Products LLC.
Dr Amie Hornaman's SHBG Fixxr $44.99
Dr. Amie Hornaman's SHBG Fixxr Elevated SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) is detrimental to your health and well-being. If you know you have elevated sex hormone binding globulin … and by elevated we mean if it is in the upper quadrant of the lab value range or over its high, and you have elevated SHBG… then it doesn’t matter how good your T3 levels are, how optimal your testosterone is and it doesn’t matter if you have enough estrogen on your labs. If sex hormone binding globulin is high, it renders those beneficial hormones inactive in your body. That means no benefit for you. No metabolism, no strength, no energy, no brain function, no motivation, weight gain, and anxiety and depression. You need T3, testosterone, and optimal levels of estrogen to function properly and to live your best life. SHBG Fixxr Highlights The two compounds in SHBG Fixxr have been proven to lower SHBG levels over time which then provides the body with adequate T3, testosterone, and estrogen. Bedroom Fixxr "significantly reduced Sex-Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) by 9% at the 6-hour mark” according to one study. Benefits of Tongkat Ali in addition to lowering SHBG include: improved insulin sensitivity increased testosterone secretion improved libido improved mood and improved cortisol Directions for Use SHBG Fixxr can be taken in conjunction with anything from the Fixxr line including Hormone Fixxr. Do not exceed 1200 mg of Tongkat Ali per day.
Thorne Berberine $40.00
Berberine is a well-researched botanical with a long-standing history of use in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese herbal medicine. Thorne's premium berberine products feature the most studied form—berberine HCl—combined with the highly absorbable berberine phytosome, offering extensive health and wellness benefits. Who can benefit from Berberine? Individuals seeking support for metabolic, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal health. People wanting additional weight loss support Anyone aiming to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Individuals wanting to support healthy cholesterol levels. Women looking for nutritional support for PCOS-related symptoms. Those seeking support for metabolic syndrome. People needing additional support for a healthy gut microbiome. Benefits of Berberine Supplementation: Supports immune function and helps maintain healthy respiratory tract mucus membranes. Promotes healthy blood sugar metabolism. Supports healthy cholesterol levels.   Contains 60 capsules
Stress Mover® $54.99
Stress is a firestarter. From disrupting core bodily functions like digestion and homeostasis, to sparking conditions such as low energy, mood dysregulation and weight gain, research has linked states of prolonged stress to depression, gut distress, inflammation and general immune suppression. In the face of daily stress and systemic imbalance, Stress Mover can help you put the fire out. Stress Mover – Product Description Stress Mover is a unique botanical blend that manages the body’s stress response, while working synergistically with your epigenetic tendencies to optimize their expression. Its informed combination of calming amino acids and adaptogenic botanicals helps to regulate the production, distribution and metabolism of key hormones and neurotransmitters while supporting gut and immune system integrity for holistic renewal and everyday calm. Stress Mover Can Help Balance and Support: Stress Response Adrenal Function Digestive Function Chronic Fatigue Insomnia Gut Integrity Hypoglycemia Pathogenic Imbalances Recurrent Candida Hormonal Balance Skin & Hair Health Stress Mover Formula Not all supplements are created equal. With commonly overlooked genetic sensitivities in mind, Stress Mover is free of oxalates, sulfur-containing compounds and adaptogenic fungi – common additives in stress-support supplements that have been shown to contribute to inflammation and poor microbial health, which can encourage the growth of pathogens and spark immune irritation. Unlike most stress-support supplements, nothing in the formulation down regulates phase one liver detoxification or blocks sulfation pathways for oxalate metabolism. Stress Mover intentionally omits imbalancing ingredients to optimize epigenetic response for maximum efficacy and absorption. It is clean and pure – free from gluten, dairy, and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). We have found the combination of ingredients in Stress Mover to work synergistically together to support the function of the HPA axis and to bring balance to metabolic functions including some major detoxification pathways and gut health. Ingredients: Phosphatidylserine (soy free) from Sunflower Seed Lecithin: an amino acid derivative found in the brain. It helps maintain the structure of cell membranes and has been found to reduce stress and improve memory. Phosphatidylserine also reduces the stress hormone response in response to exercise. It blunts the pituitary-adrenal reactivity hormones, ACTH and cortisol, in response to emotional or mental stress. Phosphatidylserine also may also positively impact Alzheimer’s associated symptoms, slow age-related cognitive decline, combat depression, aid ADHD symptoms, and support athletic performance. Manganese: an essential metal necessary for the development, growth, and normal functioning of our bodies. Manganese deficiency is associated with reduced fertility, ovarian and testicular dysfunction, PMS symptoms, and defective insulin production. Manganese has been also shown low to lower histamine levels. Glycine: an amino acid involved in a wide range of functions including digestion, inflammation, depression, and overall metabolic function. Rhodiola Rosea: an extract of this adaptogenic herb. It helps manage stress and mental fatigue. It also has the potential to protect athletes from exercise-induced susceptibility to infections by reducing virus replication as well as providing other benefits such as improving inflammation and depression. Taurine: an amino acid important for cell health, taurine helps to regulate multiple biological processes in the body such as anti-oxidation, detoxification, neuromodulation, osmoregulation, anti-inflammation, cholestasis prevention, conjugation of bile acids, and thermoregulation. Keep this product out of reach of children. Do not start taking any products without first discussing it with your primary care provider (PCP). Do not take if pregnant or lactating. Avoid if you are allergic to any formula ingredients or if you are on any antidepressant or anti-anxiety medications. Discontinue use and consult your health care provider if you experience any adverse reactions including anxiety and insomnia.
Health Concerns Man Yue Mei Clearing $31.85
Therapeutic Actions of Man Yue Mei Clearing™ (formerly Akebia Moist Heat): Treats urinary tract infection or inflammation accompanied by frequent and painful urination. Relieves factors related to bladder stones, kidney infection, painful or difficult urination, pelvic inflammatory disease, and prostatitis, cystitis, vaginitis Ingredients Cranberry fruit* (man yue mei), Corn silk (yu mi xi), Indian Plantain seed husk (che qian zi), Uva-Ursi leaf* (xiong guo), Japanese Knotwood root (hu zhang), Garlic bulb* (da suan), Achyranthes root* (niu xi), Gardenia fruit* (zhi zi), Dandelion root* (pu gong ying), Licorice root* (gan cao), Costus root*(mu xiang), Chinese Rhubarb rhizome* (zhi da huang); *extract About Health Concerns The First and Still the Best Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas by applying the science of modern biochemistry. As a result, Health Concerns can offer a variety of formulas for a full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment protocols as well as many products that address the specific conditions of Western patients. Commitment to Quality Health Concerns’ commitment to herbal medicine and modern science provides you with the best formulas available. The quality of their products has been remarkably consistent and dependable over the years. Since inception, they have been committed to taking whatever measures are necessary to guarantee safe herbs, free of contaminants or harmful ingredients. They provide a reliable, worry-free source of effective, quality Chinese herbs. Their stringent herb sourcing, quality controls, and testing for maximum potency and purity result in Chinese herbal formulas offering you the benefits of both ancient wisdom and modern science. Mission & Values Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. They understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas, is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form. Health Concerns delivers outstanding products that improve people’s lives. Product Quality Assurance Herb Selection Their quality control program begins with the herbs themselves. They hand select the finest wild picked or organically grown herbs whenever possible, paying close attention to species, region of cultivation, time of harvest, and the spirit in which plants are grown and collected. They use only the most potent part of the plant. They do not use herbs that are endangered, sprayed or fumigated. Laboratory Testing Trained herbalists evaluate the herbs for quality on the basis of smell, taste and appearance, as has been done for thousands of years. The amount of active components, strength, and efficacy are then verified by analysis. To screen for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, and bacterial contamination, samples are sent to independent labs, which use the latest technology. Capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography provide detailed compositional analysis at the molecular level. Processing and Potency Once the herbs have passed inspection, they are processed according to tradition to maximize potency and eliminate undesired effects. Raw herbs may be steamed, baked, alcohol-soaked or ginger-processed. The selection of each herb is double-checked and quantities are weighed twice so that formulas are uniform from batch to batch. Herbs are granulated and cooked as a decoction to improve bio availability. Combining Components They devote meticulous attention to each individual component of a formula and then, of course, to how components work together. Roots are cooked over low temperature overnight. Flowers are prepared by infusion. Alkaloid-containing herbs are soaked in alcohol, and aromatic extracts are added last to preserve their volatile components. A small amount of acacia gum and cellulose are used to bind the ingredients together, while magnesium aids the tableting process. Tableting and Packaging Once the herbs are compressed into tablets, they are coated to ease swallowing and preserve freshness. To make sure they can be absorbed, their disintegration is timed. During the final stage of manufacturing, they are packaged into bottles, inner and outer safety seals are applied, and each bottle is stamped with a lot number and manufacture date. A sample of each batch is sent to an outside lab to ensure the accuracy, purity and potency. Fully Tested & Guaranteed All Health concerns formulas are made in accordance with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices). Their manufacturing facility is certified by NSF International, an accrediting organization that tests, audits and certifies facilities. At Health Concerns, traditional and scientific assessment combined with time-honored methods of processing result in the most effective and reliable herbs available anywhere. Their testing criteria, known as SIDI (Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients), is endorsed by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the Natural Products Association. Their herbalists bring decades of training, experience, and care to the task of evaluation. They guarantee their products without reservation. We invite you to open a bottle of Health Concerns’ formulas to taste and smell the difference.   Formula Cranberry (man yue mei) enters the kidney, bladder, and large intestine; it promotes urination and drains heat. Corn silk (yu mi xi), Indian plantain (che qian zi), and uva ursi (xiong guo) relieve damp heat and assist in passing stones. Magnesium is an electrolyte and plays a critical role in kidney detoxification; it can reduce the risk of forming kidney stones. Garlic (da suan) resolves toxicity, strengthens the spleen, and reduces stagnation. Japanese knotweed (hu zhang) treats heat and supports the bladder, kidneys, and liver. Achyranthes (niu xi) invigorates the blood and qi. Gardenia (zhi zi) is one of the premier heat-clearing herbs in the Materia Medica; it also treats irritability, restlessness, and insomnia. Licorice (gan cao) is included for its harmonizing and detoxification actions. Costus (mu xiang) was added to the classic Ba Zheng San formula by ancient herbalist Zhu Dan Xi, to strengthen the transforming function of the bladder meridian. Chinese rhubarb (zhi da huang), removes heat through the stool. Benefits Traditional Chinese Medicine Functions: Clears fire and toxins in the lower burner Drains Dampness (diuretic) Use 3 capsules three times per day, between meals. For acute conditions, 3 capsules every 4 hours.90 capsules, 650mg
BodyBio Sodium Butyrate $26.99
Butyrate is an essential end product of a healthy microbiome. Primarily, it fuels your gut cells, strengthening the gut lining and healing the leaky gut. BodyBio Butyrate is available in two unique formulations: Calcium/Magnesium Butyrate and Sodium Butyrate. The only difference between the two forms of BodyBio Butyrate is the minerals used to create the butyrate salt: either sodium + butyric acid, or calcium + magnesium + butyric acid. Other than that there is no difference between the two. Butyrate is produced by your gut microbes and has many important functions within the human body, particularly for digestive health, supporting brain health and protecting against disease*.  Not only is Butyrate critical in repairing the lining of the gut and the health of cells within it—it also supports healthy inflammation response to protect the body from disease while improving immune function.* Butyrate repairs the damage that pesticides, toxins, processed foods, drugs, etcetera has done to the lining of the gut. Butyrate helps to heal the gut lining and promotes healthy DNA to support genetic function against damage, which may lead to disease Specially formulated to: Support gut health* Promote detoxification* Maintain proper pH levels in the colon* Reduce inflammation* Promote healthy DNA function* Support healthy blood sugar regulation* Butyrate serves to close tight junctions and prevent the dysbiosis commonly known as leaky gut* Sodium Butyrate Ingredients - Butyric Acid, Sodium Hydroxide, Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT), Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose and Purified Water.
Thorne Vitamin D-5,000 $16.00
Thorne’s D-5,000 provides 5,000 IU of high-quality vitamin D3 and is NSF Certified for Sport®. While direct sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D, many people, especially the elderly, do not get sufficient amounts from sunlight or their diet. Ensure your body gets the vitamin D it needs with Thorne’s easily absorbed Vitamin D-5,000. Benefits of Thorne’s Vitamin D-5000: Supports healthy teeth and bones Promotes lean muscle mass and helps maintain muscle strength Enhances the absorption and retention of calcium Supports healthy brain function Promotes cardiovascular health and immune function Formulated with vitamin D3, which is more potent and better absorbed than vitamin D2 Free from lactose and preservatives such as BHT, BHA, sodium benzoate, and sorbic acid You might be at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency if you: Rarely go outdoors, live in northern latitudes, or have a darker skin tone Have limited sun exposure due to your occupation, clothing choices, or indoor sports Regularly use sunscreen with an SPF greater than 8 Are an older adult (risk increases with age starting at 50) Have a chronic health condition, such as a bowel disease or have had surgery (like gastric bypass) that decreases fat absorption Are obese The optimal amount of vitamin D varies from person to person, so supplementation should be individualized. Thorne’s D-1,000 or D-5,000 can help maintain optimal vitamin D levels in healthy individuals. Every batch of NSF Certified for Sport® products is tested for label accuracy and to ensure the absence of over 200 substances banned by major athletic organizations, including stimulants, narcotics, steroids, diuretics, beta-2 agonists, and masking agents. Contains 60 capsules
Health Concerns Virility Caps $33.90
This is an empirical formula based on Dr. Fung's 60 years of clinical experience. Some of the conditions that contribute to infertility in men are decreased libido, lack of energy, difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection, premature ejaculation, and low sperm count, poor sperm motility, among others. In Chinese medicine, the primary organ responsible for maintaining reproduction capabilities is the kidney; it also stores essence, which is the basis for sperm production. Common syndrome patterns that can give rise to infertility include insufficient kidney yang, kidney yin deficiency of Qi and blood, and constrained liver qi which causes blood stasis. When to use Virility Caps: Supports Male Fertility Supports Normal Erectile Function Useful for impotence, poor sperm count, and poor sperm mobility Can also be used for kidney yang deficiency Formula In this formula, the chief herb is kirin ginseng (ren shen) which strongly tonifies the basal qi and strengthens the spleen and tonifies the stomach. Cistanche salsa (rou cong rong) addresses impotence, spermatorrhea, and cold pain of the back. Morinda (ba ji tian) along with psoralea (bu gu zhi) tonify the kidney and Qi. Deer antler sediment (lu jiao shuang) and cynamorium (suo yang) tonify the kidney, with the latter aiding the smooth flow of Qi and blood. Herbs that tonify the blood are rehmannia (shu di huang), tang kuei (dang gui), and gelatinum (e jiao). Cinnamon bark (rou gui) warms the kidney and fortifies the yang. Cardamon (sha ren) promotes the movement of Qi and strengthens the stomach; in addition, it is added to this formula, which is tonifying in order to prevent the herbs from causing stagnation. Ingredients: Turmeric (curcuma longa) extract bound to soy phosphatidylcholine Kirin Ginseng root (ren shen), Epimedium leaf (yin yang huo), Cistanche salsa herb (rou cong rong), Morinda root (ba ji tian), Astragalus root (huang qi), Deer antler sediment (lu jiao shuang), Dipsacus root (xu duan), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Psoralea fruit (bu gu zhi), Eucommia bark (du zhong), Cynamorium plant (suo yang), Rehmannia (cooked) root (shu di huang), Cardamon fruit (sha ren), Gelatinum (e jiao), Cinnamon bark (rou gui) Benefits Supports Male Fertility Supports Normal Erectile Function Useful for impotence, poor sperm count, and poor sperm mobility Chinese Therapeutic effects: Warms kidney yang Relaxes the shen Tonifies the Qi and blood Use 2 to 3 capsules TID, between meals 90 vegetarian capsules, 750 mg., 15 day supply
Microbiome Labs MegaGuard™ $55.99
MegaGuard™ is a novel digestive aid that combines licorice polyphenols, cleansing artichoke leaf extract, and soothing ginger to promote normal digestion, regulate stomach acid, maintain healthy H. pylori levels, and reduce occasional digestive discomforts such as gas and bloating. With the power of these herbs combined, MegaGuard™️ provides unique and comprehensive digestive support, bowel regularity, and gastric balance.
-9% sale
Accelerated Fast 3 Pack $202.85 $222.85
The Ultimate Intermittent Fasting and Keto Supplement. Accelerated Fast™ is not just any fasting or keto supplement, it is a novel energy formula that supplies the body with exogenous ketones and combines these ketones with other synergistic amino's and herbs that allow the body to convert even more fat into more ketones for more energy compared to other products. The ingredients in Accelerated Fast™ are combined to: Help improve mental focus & increase performance Support optimal results from Intermittent Fasting Boost ketones Convert fat to provide sustained energy Curb sugar and carb cravings Support a low carb lifestyle Suppress appetite Support faster metabolism Help with weight management Provide energy for muscles and brain Help stimulate a metabolic shift away from glucose dependence Provide a constant source of clean energy that lasts for 8-12 hours Allow the cells to produce 10 times the amount of energy than from glucose Support cognitive health by allowing the brain to use ketones for energy Prevent brain fog Reduce cravings for carbs and sugars Help with appetite control allowing for easy intermittent fasting Help to make it easier to stick to a ketogenic diet BHB ketone bodies supply an immediate boost of energy Accelerated Fast™ is programmed with frequencies to:  Clear emotional and physical shock from the body  Cleanse the Liver  Convert saturated fat to unsaturated fat  Increase base metabolic rate   Accelerated Fast™ is a registered trademark of Accelerated Health Products LLC.
Thorne Creatine $42.00
Creatine is a remarkable amino acid found predominantly in your muscles and brain. Your body naturally produces it from other amino acids, and it’s also present in foods like meats, eggs, and fish.  Creatine is crucial for producing cellular energy by aiding the formation of ATP, a molecule essential for intense exercise, heart function, and brain power. Benefits of Thorne’s Creatine Monohydrate Powder: Muscle Performance: Boosts physical endurance, power output, and muscle work capacity. Lean Body Mass: Enhances strength and supports lean muscle growth. Cognition: Aids cognitive function and promotes healthy body composition, especially in older adults. Cellular Energy Production: Helps cells efficiently create energy, improving exercise capacity. Injury Prevention: Reduces the risk of dehydration, muscle cramps, and injuries to muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. Nutritional Support: Ideal for athletes and those not getting enough creatine from their diet. What sets Thorne’s Creatine Monohydrate Powder apart: NSF Certified for Sport® Easy to mix Highly researched, micronized creatine monohydrate Colorless, odorless, and highly soluble For athletes, trust and compliance are essential. Every batch of NSF Certified for Sport® products is rigorously tested to ensure label accuracy and the absence of over 200 substances banned by major athletic organizations, including stimulants, narcotics, steroids, diuretics, beta-2 agonists, and masking agents. Contains 16oz/450g Creatine Monohydrate Powder
Health Concerns GB-6 $29.85
Therapeutic Actions of GB-6™ Relieves pathogenic elements that contribute to acute gallbladder colic (cholecystalgia) and help dissolve gall stones (cholelithiasis) Relieves chronic gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis) with indigestion, nausea, and discomfort in the flanks, epigastrium, or abdomen Effective in preventing stones in the urinary system According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Clears stagnant liver qi, Clears damp heat from the liver and gallbladder, Moves the blood
BodyBio PC (Phosphatidylcholine) $60.99
Experience the transformative effects of rejuvenating aging at the cellular level. BodyBio PC — a pure liposomal phospholipid complex — provides the building blocks of your cell membranes, repairing and protecting each of your 70 trillion+ cells. Aging and toxin exposure cause your cells to break down, and phospholipids are critical to rebuild and maintain their health from the brain to the gut and everywhere in between.  You feel the power of these phospholipids as improved brain function, mental clarity, smoother digestion, better detox, and more consistent energy. That’s what makes BodyBio PC the foundation for your cellular health.
Health Concerns Isatis Cooling Formula $27.80
Therapeutic Actions of Isatis Cooling: Treats Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, gastric ulcers Treats Leukorrhea accompanied by thick, dark, and smelly discharge and abdominal pain Treats prostate inflammations accompanied by discharge and constant pain May be used to treat urinary tract infections
Hangover Relief Bundle $132.99
Looking for Hangover Supplements to help quickly eliminate those hangover ills? Introducing our Hangover Relief Bundle, your ultimate companion for those mornings-after when you need a helping hand to bounce back from a night of celebration. Crafted with care and backed by science, our hangover relief supplement pack is designed to alleviate the most common hangover symptoms, so you can reclaim your day and feel revitalized. 🌿 Natural Ingredients: Formulated with a blend of natural ingredients, our hangover supplement pack includes powerful herbs, and minerals to replenish what your body lost during festivities.  💧 Hydration Support: Dehydration is a major contributor to hangover symptoms. Included in your hangover supplement pack is Accelerated Ancient Salt®. A hydrating blend of minerals to effectively replenish lost fluids and electrolytes, Accelerated Ancient Salt® promotes optimal hydration levels for a faster recovery. Say goodbye to that pounding headache and sluggish feeling fast. 🤮 Eliminate Nausea: Nobody enjoys the nausea that accompanies a hangover. Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder is a miraculous blend of herbal and mineral powders that work together to bind and eliminate toxins in the gut. Users report feeling nausea subside within 30 minutes of drinking this gentle mixture. 🧠 Cognitive Function: A hangover leaves you feeling mentally drained and unable to think clearly. Some describe it as a bad case of brain fog, others say their thinking is less sharp. Research shows that alcohol slows brain function and memory. Cogniblast® is a nootropic containing not one but 4 smart mushroom extracts, along with other ingredients that work together to quickly restore cognitive brain function and help you think clearly once again.  🌞 Energy Boost: The supplements included in the Hangover Pack leave you feeling re-energized with a carefully curated mix of ingredients that promote alertness and vitality. Whether you have a busy day ahead or just need a pick-me-up, our hangover relief supplement pack is your go-to solution for restoring your energy levels. Each supplement works in its own way to help quickly restore your health. 🌈 Overall Wellness: Beyond addressing hangover symptoms, our supplement pack is designed to support your overall well-being. The inclusion of key nutrients contributes to a balanced and healthy system, making it a great addition to your post-celebration routine. 🚀 Convenient and Portable: Each hangover relief supplement pack is conveniently packaged for on-the-go use. Toss it in your bag or keep it in your desk drawer for quick and easy access whenever you need it. No more letting a hangover dictate your day – take control and feel your best. Reclaim your mornings and conquer the day with the Accelerated Hangover Relief Supplement Pack. Embrace the celebration, knowing that relief is just a pack away. Cheers to a refreshed and revitalized you!