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Accelerated Bundle from $139.88
Our best-selling Accelerated Colloidal Silver™ , Accelerated Gold® & Accelerated Scalar Copper® work together to help boost your Immune System, Mental Performance & overall health so that you can feel your best in your body, mind and spirit. By combining Accelerated Colloidal Silver™, Accelerated Gold® and Accelerated Copper®, the immune system is strengthened, mental clarity and cognition are improved, and the enzymatic actions in the body is optimized.   Enhanced with the powerful Scalar Technology and Water Implosion Technology to increase efficacy and absorption, making these the best silver and gold supplements on the market. Helps Boost the Immune System Helps Improve Mental Clarity Made with proprietary Scalar Technology Uses ozonated and UV sterilized distilled water Bio Energetically Imprinted for enhanced efficacy Safe with no risk of side-effects Alkaline pH Gluten-free, Vegan & Cruelty-free Made in the United States Benefits The most effective Accelerated Colloidal Silver™ & Scalar Gold® supplements to help: Boost the immune system naturally Alkalize the blood Increase Focus and Concentration Enhance Mood & Alleviate Anxiety Reduce Inflammation Can be safely taken long term for continual health Taste like water and are easy for anyone to take Drug-free with no known side effects
Thyroid Health Bundle from $84.95
Our Thyroid Health Bundle is the most comprehensive and effective thyroid regimen available that addresses supporting and detoxing the thyroid, increasing metabolism, and improving overall endocrine health. Acceleradine® provides the essential iodine for the thyroid, for detoxing the cells of toxins that lead to thyroid disease, and for substantially increasing energy at the cellular level.   Accelerated Thyroid® is an advanced formula combining a traditional Ayurvedic herbal formula called Kanchnara Guggul and Freeze Dried Thyroid Glandular and adding in L-Tyrosine and L-Threonine; the combination works to address hypothyroidism as well as full endocrine support. The Accelerated Keto™ increases fat burning, cleanses the liver where thyroid hormones convert into active thyroid hormones, and helps boost mental and physical energy.   Thyroid Fixxr gives you the power of T2 to improve fat burning without jittery side effects.  Directions Acceleradine®: Start with 3 drops in water 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Increase by 1 drop per dose per day until you get to 25 drops three times a day. Continue with 75 drops per day. Take at least 15 minutes before food or other supplements. Accelerated Thyroid®: Take 3-4 capsules in the morning. May add 1-2 at noon if needed.
Accelerated Face Lift Skincare Set from $84.90
Yes, you can achieve a facelift naturally with the healing and collagen-boosting power of our Accelerated Face Lift Bundle! Why use Accelerated Face Lift Products? Accelerated Skincare Products are like no other natural skincare products. Our premium ingredients don't irritate the skin, and help to hydrate, lift, and eliminate blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles. Achieve a natural face lift without injectables or surgery. The Accelerated Face Lift Spray™ contains nano trace minerals, while the Accelerated Face Lift™ Cream contains more MSM, more herbal extracts and macro minerals from the pearl powder. Most people don't realize that for the body and skin to be healthy we need both trace minerals and macro minerals. Think of the Accelerated FACE LIFT Spray™ as directly providing trace minerals and the all-important hyaluronic and collagen, while the cream provides herbal nutrition that tells the cells what to do with the nutrition, such as make more Collagen, Elastin, and HA, while providing an Eastern Medicine point of view on how to bring youthfulness back to aging skin. In the first couple weeks of using the FACE LIFT Spray, we should see a lot of old skin being removed. Once all the old skin has been removed using the spray, and the skin has absorbed the nano nutrients, then we want to use the cream to replenish the skin and provide a protective barrier to keep those nutrients in the skin. Although the face spray is amazing unto itself, it can be looked upon as a facial cleanser and toner (even though we know it is much more than that) while the cream is true skin food. The Accelerated Face Lift Serum is the world's oldest rejuvenating skin serum containing Emu Oil, Cinnamon, Myrrh, and Kaneh-Bosma, helps with acne, scars and wrinkles. Also uplifts mood and enhances spiritual awareness. Can be used anywhere on the body, from head to toe!  The Accelerated Face Lift™ Mask is a hydrating mask that removes toxins and impurities from the skin as it rehydrates, firms and lifts. Each product does contain some similar ingredients, but in different amounts, while there are other ingredients that are vastly different and perform completely different functions. So, we created these two products to perfectly complement each other. 2-piece Bundle Contains: One 4 oz bottle of FACE LIFT™ Spray with Frankincense One 1.6 oz bottle of FACE LIFT™ Cream Add Accelerated Skin & Soul Serum and the Accelerated Face Lift™ Mask and save with the 4-Piece Skincare Bundle: 4-piece Bundle Contains: 1 x Accelerated FACE LIFT™ Spray with Frankincense 1 x Accelerated FACE LIFT™ Cream 1 x Accelerated Skin & Soul Serum 1 x Accelerated FACE LIFT™ Mask 
Accelerated Leaky Gut Bundle $163.38
Recondition, Reinforce, Rebuild Leaky Gut  Reconditions and maintains a healthy gut microbiome.  Supports microbial diversity and short-chain fatty acid production  Supports a healthy immune system
-10% sale
Accelerated Hydration Bundle $155.58 $172.85
This kit contains everything needed for the Accelerated Ancient Salt™ Oral Rehydration Program: Accelerated Ancient Salt® Acceleradine® Accelerated NucNoMore® The Accelerated Ancient Salt® Oral Rehydration Program addresses the true basic necessities of life: salt, water and iodine. When the Accelerated Ancient Salt® Oral Rehydration Program is implemented with proper ratios of water, salt and iodine, water (H2O) is able to pass through the cell’s electrolytic membrane creating two each hydrogen (H+) and one each (O-) inside the cell. In this case, the cell membrane acts as a hydrogen fuel cell creating clean fuel (H+) for the mitochondria (instead of using dirty fuel such as glucose). And hydrogen (H+) produces no waste—just H2O to further hydrate the body!—whereas glucose produces alcohol when consumed by parasites and carbon dioxide when used by the mitochondria. Suggested Use: Put a pinch on your tongue 15 minutes after Acceleradine®, add to water or drinks, and add liberally to food. For Nausea/Detox/Appetite Suppressant: Add 1/8-1/4 tsp to 8 oz. warm water or put straight on your tongue. Detox bath: Lightly dry skin brush body. Take 2-cup sea salt (not epsom) high frequency detox bath with 2-3 Tbsp of Accelerated Ancient Salt.
Immune Boosting Bundle from $134.88 $149.84
Now, more than ever, boosting immunity has become a vital part of everyday healthcare. These key supplements work together to devitalize foreign pathogens, boost the immune system, and create natural antibacterial, anti-viral, antifungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-allergenic, antihistamine, mucolytic, hydrating, detoxifying, energy producing actions.  Accelerated C60™ ESS60, the compound in Accelerated C60™, has proven to be highly effective at addressing one of the most pernicious viruses that humanity has ever encountered: HIV. For a long time, there was no known cure for HIV. Now that Accelerated C60™ is observed to have virucidal (virus-killing) properties, it has gone beyond the stage of research studies and has been patented as a treatment for HIV. Not only does ESS60, or Accelerated C60™, reduce the infections caused by HIV, but it also directly inhibits the reproduction of the virus. Viruses normally cause disease in the human body by taking over the cells of the body and replicating until it overwhelms the immune system. Typically a young and healthy person has an immune system that can overcome most common viruses such as the common cold and influenza. This is why the patent of Carbon 60 or ESS60 to treat HIV is such an amazing advancement. Unlike many pharmaceutical drugs, ESS60 does not have any harmful side effects. It works to directly prevent the virus from replicating and has the potential to effectively treat many people with HIV already without the side effects associated with current HIV medications. While it is a step of inference to say that ESS60 could be used to treat other illnesses, we do know that the regular use of Accelerated C60™ can improve your immune system, and is 172 times more powerful than Vitamin C. Additionally, it is a known antibiotic, and may also improve sleep which is essential for a strong immune system. Acceleradine® Acceleradine® is the wildcard in supporting the immune system. It is antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-allergenic, anti-histamine, mucolytic, hydrating (2006, Miller), detoxifying, energy producing and performs a unique function known as healthy apoptosis. Healthy apoptosis, which is the natural death of traumatized and unhealthy cells, is the premise of rapid wound healing as well as disease reversal as shown in the 2003 UCLA study with lung cancer. (2003, Zhang). There is no pathogen resistant to iodine (Derry). Iodine was used to protect people from the 1918 influenza pandemic that killed over 30 million people. Iodine is a more powerful antioxidant than Vitamin C, Vitamin E and phosphatidylcholine (David Brownstein). Iodine is also a more powerful antioxidant than any oxygen therapies such as ozone (2006, Miller). All of these immune boosting benefits are in addition to Iodine’s key role for the metabolism and thyroid, the key endocrine gland for the immune system.  The thyroid produces T4 (4 stands for 4 iodine atoms), and, without iodine, the thyroid is unable to produce T4 that is necessary for the immune system. Accelerated Colloidal Silver™ Not only does Accelerated Colloidal Silver™ have an alkaline pH of 8.0, creating an environment that foreign pathogens may not be able to survive in, but it is programmed with Bio Informational Scalar technology to further help strengthen the Immune System and devitalize foreign pathogens. Furthermore, we use micro-clustered water technology to lower the surface tension for better absorption. No other silver company does this. The 4-piece kit offers a choice of one of the following Electrolyte Replenishment Supplements: QuintEssential 0.9: Pure Natural Isotonic Seawater & Springwater Trace Mineral and Electrolyte Replenishment Supplement Ola Loa Energy Multivitamin: Replenishes the needed Electrolytes, Minerals, Vitamins and Amino Acids. *Currently the 4-piece bundle option with Ola Loa is only available in the delicious Orange flavor. Formula For more information on the individual products contained in this kit, please visit their respective product pages: Accelerated C60™Acceleradine®Accelerated Colloidal Silver™Ola Loa Energy Multi-vitamin Benefits These three key supplements work together to devitalize foreign pathogens, boost the immune system, and create natural antibacterial, anti-viral, antifungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-allergenic, antihistamine, mucolytic, hydrating, detoxifying, energy producing actions. Use Accelerated C60™ ESS60: The typical recommended dose is 1 teaspoon per day (approximately 5 ml). Use this online calculator to get a more precise dose. You can take Accelerated C60™ at any time of day, with or without food. It all depends on your preferences. Our customers report the best results when taken in the morning. Our recommendation is to take Accelerated C60™ as part of your breakfast routine. Acceleradine®: Patch test.Apply to inside upper arm: if it disappears within 24 hours, this indicates that you are iodine deficient; if it doesn’t, it is a possible sign of sluggish lymph with severe iodine deficiency and dehydration. Start slowly.Start with 3 drops in water 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Increase by 1 drop per dose per day until you get to 25 drops three times a day. Continue with 75 drops per day. Take at least 15 minutes before food or other supplements. Basic/Advanced Saturation.If you experience detox, nausea, throat burn, or stimulated heart rate, stop for 48 hours. Bioavailable iodine won’t harm you, but overdoing any potentially detoxifying supplement or food can make you feel very tired, achy, irritable, restless, or experience many other cleanse reactions, so always start with small servings and gradually increase as long as you don’t have any adverse reactions. Acceleradine® never substitutes thyroid meds. Accelerated Colloidal Silver™: Take 1 TBSP 3-5 times per day. Swish it in your mouth for one minute and then swallow. May be nebulized for lung infections, bronchitis, pneumonia and more. May be sprayed in the eyes for eye infections or on the skin for acne, rashes, and burns. For Ear infections, put 1-2 drops in the ear for two minutes and then dump out. Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. Before taking, consult your health care professional. Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing. Child usage and dosage only upon recommendation of the child’s doctor. Oxylent: Adults: Mix 1 level scoop (or packet) with 4-6 oz of water to taste. Consume once daily or twice daily when traveling or exercising. Children over 5: 1/2 scoop daily.
Inside & Out Skin Bundle from $163.61 $181.80
Help rejuvenate the skin from the inside and out with our collagen boosting, gut repairing natural skincare supplement bundle What’s included in the 4-piece Inside & Out Skin Bundle: One 16 oz bottle of Accelerated Colloidal Silver™ One 16 oz bottle of ION* Gut Health (formerly RESTORE) One 4 oz bottle of FACE LIFT™ Spray with Frankincense One 1.6 oz bottle of FACE LIFT™ Cream Add Accelerated Skin & Soul Serum in the 5-Piece Bundle: The world's oldest rejuvenating skin serum containing Emu Oil, Cinnamon, Myrrh, and Kaneh-Bosma, helps with acne, scars and wrinkles. Also uplifts mood and enhances spiritual awareness. Can be used anywhere on the body, from head to toe!
Mental Health Bundle from $204.00 $227.80
Boost your mood naturally and help support your mental health naturally with our practitioner recommended Mental Health Bundle. The supplements combined in our Mental Health Supplement Bundle help: Boost mood naturally Relax the mind, and alleviate anxiety and depression Heal the gut where "Happy Hormones" are made including Dopamine, GABA and Serotonin Cut your sugar and alcohol cravings and stabilize your blood sugar Give you the physical and mental strength to be your optimal self As a Certified Supplement Expert, and Founder of Accelerated Health Products, I am so happy to offer natural health solutions to support mental health. Each supplement in this kit has been handpicked for its powerful ingredients to help naturally support mental health. Supplements included in the 4 piece kit are: ACCELERATED COGNIBLAST™ Cogniblast® is a nootropic - a natural Brain Enhancement product that boosts your mental focus, energy, and memory in the short term while safeguarding your brain against memory issues and decline in the long run.What sets Cogniblast® apart? In addition to containing super mushroom ingredients including Reish, Lion's Mane and Cordyceps, Cogniblast™ goes above and beyond typical brain enhancement supplements by harnessing the healing potential of Scalar Frequencies. These frequencies supercharge your Memory and Cognition beyond what the ingredients alone can achieve.For ingredients and detailed product information please visit the Cogniblast™ product page. ACCELERATED THYROID® Accelerated Thyroid® is not just another thyroid supplement; it's your key to a brighter mood, improved thyroid health, a revved-up metabolism, enhanced fat burning, increased energy, and successful weight loss. But what truly sets Accelerated Thyroid® apart from the rest? It's the infusion of Scalar frequencies, a groundbreaking addition that takes thyroid support to a whole new level! These frequencies work their magic by detoxifying your thyroid from heavy metals and radiation while simultaneously promoting a healthier thyroid, improved mental health and supporting the reversal of hypothyroidism. For ingredients and detailed information, visit the Accelerated Thyroid® product page. ACCELERADINE® IODINE I want you to know how important it is to address iodine deficiency because it's often the primary factor behind feelings of depression and mental fogginess. That's where Acceleradine® Iodine comes in, offering not just a solution but a caring approach to your well-being.Acceleradine® Iodine is a true iodine tincture, in fact, now the top selling Iodine supplement in the United States! It has the unique ability to cleanse your brain from toxins like fluoride, allowing you to connect with your higher self, fostering mental clarity and inner harmony. Moreover, it works wonders for your metabolism and thyroid health, granting your body both the physical and mental strength to tackle life's daily challenges. It's essential to note that an underperforming thyroid has been linked to increased rates of depression and mental health issues. For detailed product information and additional benefits, please visit the Acceleradine® product page. OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTS FOR INCREASED SUPPORT Accelerated Colloidal Silver® I can't stress enough how much I believe in Accelerated Colloidal Silver® as the top choice for combating harmful pathogens. It's not just any silver supplement; it's my go-to because it goes the extra mile by incorporating bio-informational codes to supercharge the immune system more effectively.You see, when our immune system isn't at its best, it takes a toll on our mental well-being. That's why I'm personally recommending Accelerated Colloidal Silver® – because your health, both physical and mental, matters to me. For detailed product information and additional benefits, please visit the Accelerated Colloidal Silver® product page. Accelerated Colloidal Gold® Gold has been cherished for millennia for its incredible ability to lift our spirits, ease anxiety and depression, boost our intellect, and deepen our spiritual connections. And now, with Accelerated Gold®, we're going a step beyond by infusing it with scalar technology. This unique approach adds bio-informational scalar codes to enhance its potential in combating anxiety and depression.But that's not all – here's something that sets Accelerated Gold® apart from the rest: it's alkaline. You see, most gold solutions out there tend to be acidic. This little detail can make a big difference in how you experience the benefits of gold.So, if you're looking to enhance your mood, find relief from anxiety and depression, sharpen your mind, and deepen your spiritual journey, Accelerated Gold® could be your personal key to unlocking these extraordinary benefits. For ingredients and detailed product information visit the Accelerated Gold® product page. Accelerated Fast™ Accelerated Fast™ has the power to transform your body into a fat-burning machine in just 30 minutes. It's like flipping a switch that immediately taps into your body's own fat stores for energy. This isn't just any supplement; it's your fast track to stabilizing blood sugar, reducing brain inflammation, and kickstarting the production of those wonderful neurotransmitters like GABA, dopamine, and serotonin that make you feel happy.When you combine Accelerated Fast™ with intermittent fasting and a low-carb diet, your body starts churning out ketones. These, in turn, supercharge your ATP production, giving you a significant boost in mental and physical energy. It's like turning on the turbocharger for your body and mind.But here's another incredible benefit: your liver plays a key role in this process. As your liver functions improve, so does your thyroid's performance. This means a revved-up metabolism, better mitochondrial function, and even more energy. It's worth noting that low thyroid function has a direct link to depression, so this could be a game-changer for your mood as well.And here's something fascinating: the liver holds onto negative emotions like anger and frustration. So, as it undergoes cleansing, you'll find those negative emotions gradually subsiding. It's not just about physical health; it's about emotional well-being too.Accelerated Fast™ isn't just a supplement; it's a journey towards a healthier, happier you. I believe in its potential to make a real difference in your life, both physically and emotionally. For ingredients and detailed product information visit the Accelerated Fast™ product page. MegaSporeBiotic by Microbiome Labs MegaSporeBiotic, a probiotic blend that's a game-changer for your gut health and immune function. It's not your typical probiotic; it's a carefully crafted combination of 5 Bacillus spores. What makes it special is the bi-phasic life cycle of these Bacillus spores. They stay dormant until they reach your gastrointestinal tract, and then, like magic, they transform into their active forms, colonizing your gut effectively. Think of MegaSporeBiotic as your ally in the journey towards a healthier gut and a brighter, more balanced emotional state. I believe in its ability to make a real difference in your life. For ingredients and detailed product information, visit the MegaSporeBiotic product page.
Power Bundle from $179.81 $199.80
The Power Bundle helps to boost the immune system, increase mental and physical energy, and provides daily detox simultaneously. With the added Accelerated Keto, the results are enhanced significantly. What’s included in the Power Bundle 4-Piece Kit: Acceleradine® Acceleradine® is the wildcard in supporting the immune system. It is antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-allergenic, anti-histamine, mucolytic, hydrating (2006, Miller), detoxifying, energy producing and performs a unique function known as healthy apoptosis. Healthy apoptosis, which is the natural death of traumatized and unhealthy cells, is the premise of rapid wound healing as well as disease reversal as shown in the 2003 UCLA study with lung cancer. (2003, Zhang). There is no pathogen resistant to iodine (Derry). Iodine was used to protect people from the 1918 influenza pandemic that killed over 30 million people. Iodine is a more powerful antioxidant than Vitamin C, Vitamin E and phosphatidylcholine (David Brownstein). Iodine is also a more powerful antioxidant than any oxygen therapies such as ozone (2006, Miller). All of these immune boosting benefits are in addition to Iodine’s key role for the metabolism and thyroid, the key endocrine gland for the immune system.  The thyroid produces T4 (4 stands for 4 iodine atoms), and, without iodine, the thyroid is unable to produce T4 that is necessary for the immune system. Accelerated Colloidal Silver™ Not only does Accelerated Colloidal Silver™ have an alkaline pH of 8.0, creating an environment that foreign pathogens may not be able to survive in, but it is programmed with Bio Informational Scalar technology to further help strengthen the Immune System and devitalize foreign pathogens. Furthermore, we use micro-clustered water technology to lower the surface tension for better absorption. No other silver company does this. Accelerated Ancient Salt® Accelerated Ancient Salt® is a scalar technology enhanced mixture of five precious ancient seabed and sea salts from the Andes Mountains, Himalayas and the U.S that is rich in minerals, without excipients, stabilizers, conditioners, chemicals or preservatives. Accelerated Ancient Salt® holds a strong negative charged with scalar Technology used to enhance its frequency and ability to help “pull out” positively charged toxins, parasites and undigested fats. Through the use of basic quantum mechanics combined with high purity of raw materials, a scalar field is developed. This process optimizes Detox and rehydration. Accelerated Thyroid® Accelerated Thyroid®. This advanced formula is the only thyroid supplement available to combine two different thyroid supplementary formulas into one, and then enhances it with Scalar Frequencies for advanced healing. Unlike any other thyroid supplement, the effects are cumulative, improving the health of your thyroid.Accelerated Thyroid® has been Bio Energetically Enhanced with our proprietary Scalar Field technology to imbed specific healing patterns into it. The Scalar frequencies include:-Enhancing the general health of the thyroid-Neutralizing toxins found in the thyroid such as chlorine, fluorine, mercury, and other metals-Neutralizing radiation and nuclear fallout. Add Keto in the 5-Piece Kit: Accelerated Keto® capsules: increases energy and mental focus, balances blood sugar, accelerates fat-loss and more! Formula For more information on the individual products contained in this kit, please visit their respective product pages: Acceleradine®Accelerated Colloidal Silver™Accelerated Ancient Salt®Accelerated Keto®Accelerated Thyroid® Use Acceleradine®: Start slowly.Start with 3 drops in water 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Increase by 1 drop per dose per day until you get to 25 drops three times a day. Continue with 75 drops per day. Take at least 15 minutes before food or other supplements. Basic/Advanced Saturation.If you experience detox, nausea, throat burn, or stimulated heart rate, stop for 48 hours. Bioavailable iodine won’t harm you, but overdoing any potentially detoxifying supplement or food can make you feel very tired, achy, irritable, restless, or experience many other cleanse reactions, so always start with small servings and gradually increase as long as you don’t have any adverse reactions. Acceleradine® never substitutes thyroid meds. Accelerated Colloidal Silver™: Take 1 TBSP 3-5 times per day. Swish it in your mouth for one minute and then swallow. May be nebulized for lung infections, bronchitis, pneumonia and more. May be sprayed in the eyes for eye infections or on the skin for acne, rashes, and burns. For Ear infections, put 1-2 drops in the ear for two minutes and then dump out. Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. Before taking, consult your health care professional. Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing. Child usage and dosage only upon recommendation of the child’s doctor. Accelerated Ancient Salt®: Put a pinch on your tongue 15 minutes after Acceleradine, add to water or drinks, and add liberally to food. Accelerated Keto®: Adults: Take 3 capsules per day for optimal results. Take 3-4 Capsules in the morning on an empty stomach. Intermittent fast until you are hungry. For best results, break the fast with protein meal to increase fat burning. Accelerated Thyroid®: Take 3-4 capsules in the morning. May add 1-2 at noon if needed
Kids Supplement Bundle from $97.10 $107.90
3 easy-to-take liquid supplements that help boost immunity, fight off colds and flu, provide the complete spectrum of vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, and heal Leaky Gut for improved concentration, focus and mood! Add Acceleradine® to boost thyroid health, metabolism and immunity even more! While we bundled these products together with kids in mind, the kit is great for Adults, too! Kids' Supplement Bundle contains: Accelerated Colloidal Silver™ - 16 oz bottle Ola Loa Energy Multi-Vitamin drink in Tropical Flavor MegaSporeBiotic™ Optional Add-on: Acceleradine® - Vibrational Frequency Charged 2% tincture of vigilantly pure, natural, singlet, active iodine (I¯) Use Accelerated Colloidal Silver™:  Adults Only Serving Size: Take 2 teaspoons (10ml) by mouth, from 2-7 times daily (depending on the purpose of use.) Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. Before taking, consult your health care professional. Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing. Child usage and dosage only upon recommendation of the child’s doctor. MegaSporeBiotic™ Adults Only Serving Size: 1-2 per day for additional microbiome support after the first month of the protocol. Ola Loa: Ola Loa ENERGY is recommended as a once-a-day multi-vitamin, great for natural energy production and antioxidant protection. Ola Loa ENERGY not only tastes great, it’s really easy to use too. Simply add the contents of a packet to a half-glass of water, and you’re ready to drink your vitamins! For the Optional Acceleradine®: For children, start with 2 to 3 drops, 2 to 3 times a day and increase to 10 to 15 drops, three times a day. Put drops in 4-12 oz water. Drink immediately and wait 15 minutes before food.
-11% sale
College Student Bundle $129.49 $143.88
Help Boost Your College Student's Immunity! A combination of 3 of our best products to help boost immunity against college colds and flus, cover the basic vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes needed for hydration, and soak up the toxins from food and alcohol poisoning. All three are safe and beneficial to take daily. Kit contains: Accelerated Colloidal Silver™ - 16 oz bottle Accelerated Cellular Detox® Quintessential 3.0 Optional Acceleradine®: About Acceleradine® Iodine Supplement (Optional) Acceleradine® is a vibrational frequency charged 2% tincture of vigilantly pure, natural, singlet, active iodine (I¯) and thus ~100% bioactive, true ionic iodine. Benefits include: Produces energy and helps the metabolism function properly Is an antioxidant Is an anti-allergenic, detoxifies, vasodilating Suppresses Auto-Immune conditions Induces healthy cell turnover (apoptosis) and destroys abnormal cells, which can inhibit cancer cell growth Is free of the pollutants found in seawater Unlike some glandular thyroid medications, Acceleradine® does not inhibit the thyroid’s function. Benefits Helps boost immunity against college colds and flus, cover the basic vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes for hydration, and soak up the toxins from food and alcohol poisoning. Use Accelerated Colloidal Silver™: Take 1 TBSP 3-5 times per day. Swish it in your mouth for one minute and then swallow. May be nebulized for lung infections, bronchitis, pneumonia and more. May be sprayed in the eyes for eye infections or on the skin for acne, rashes, and burns. For Ear infections, put 1-2 drops in the ear for two minutes and then dump out. Child usage and dosage only upon recommendation of the child’s doctor. Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. Before taking, consult your health care professional. Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing. Child usage and dosage only upon recommendation of the child’s doctor. Accelerated Cellular Detox®: Take 1-2 tsp at night before bed in water or juice. Best to mix with a little apple cider vinegar or lemon, stevia, and water over ice. Ola Loa: Ola Loa ENERGY is recommended as a once a day multi-vitamin, great for natural energy production and anti-oxidant protection. Ola Loa ENERGY not only tastes great, it’s really easy to use too. Simply add the contents of a packet to a half-glass of water, and you’re ready to drink your vitamins! Optional Acceleradine®: Patch test.Apply to inside upper arm: if it disappears within 24 hours, this indicates that you are iodine deficient; if it doesn’t, it is a possible sign of sluggish lymph with severe iodine deficiency and dehydration. Start slowly.Start with 3 drops in water 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Increase by 1 drop per dose per day until you get to 25 drops three times a day. Continue with 75 drops per day. Take at least 15 minutes before food or other supplements. You are detoxing your thyroid as you are increasing the dosage. So, if you feel strong detoxifying reactions, then don’t increase the dose until you feel good again. Stay at the 20 drops three times a day, for about 4 months and then drop down to 10-15 drops three times a day. Basic/Advanced Saturation.If you experience detox, nausea, throat burn, or stimulated heart rate, stop for 48 hours. Bioavailable iodine won’t harm you, but overdoing any potentially detoxifying supplement or food can make you feel very tired, achy, irritable, restless, or experience many other cleanse reactions, so always start with small servings and gradually increase as long as you don’t have any adverse reactions. Important: After 4 months, slowly reduce dosage back to 8-10 drops, 3 times per day. Continue maintenance dose daily. Please take Acceleradine at least 15 minutes before or 1 hour after food. Acceleradine never substitutes thyroid medications
-10% sale
Menopause Bundle $338.07 $375.63
Are you tired of seeing (and hearing) that menopause supplements don't make any difference? The supplements in my Menopause Supplements Bundle work synergistically to alleviate symptoms, balance hormones, support healthy thyroid function and help you feel like your younger self. What's included: Acceleradine® Iodine Iodine decreases estrogen in the receptor cells which helps reverse the damage done by the bad estrogens. Acceleradine® is also an anti-inflammatory and a powerful antioxidant, which helps neutralize the inflammation and oxidative stress associated with Menopause and estrogen dominance. Accelerated Ancient Salt™ Accelerated Ancient Salt™ “plumps” up the volume of fluid inside and outside the cells which helps clean the liver, support apoptosis, induces DNA repair, and cleanse the body of excess bad estrogens associated with Menopause. It also helps with bile production, breaking down fats in the liver, and encourages better digestion. Accelerated Fast™ Accelerated Fast™ flips the body into ketosis within 30 minutes which helps control the appetite and reverse the fatigue and brain fog associated with Menopause. It teaches the body to burn its own fat stores instead of storing fat during Menopause. Accelerated Thyroid® One of the main issues with Menopause is a slower, suboptimal thyroid leading to a slowed metabolism and weight gain. Accelerated Thyroid® not only helps reverse hypothyroid and Hashimoto’s but also helps detox the thyroid from radiation and heavy metals that slow it down. Cogniblast® Cogniblast® targets the short-term and long-term mental issues associated with Menopause. Say goodbye to brain fog and decreased cognitive function, and hello to sharp thinking, alertness and clear-headedness. Hormone Fixxr Hormone Fixxr helps increase testosterone in females gently and naturally. As a result, the body will be able to build more lean muscle, burn more fat, and improve mood. Choline and Inositol The female body loses its ability to produce choline during Menopause. Choline helps with liver detoxification, methylation of estrogen, and cell membrane support. Additionally, it helps facilitate fat burning and has been shown to prevent abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride accumulation. Inositol helps support insulin sensitivity and overall hormonal balance as well. Supplement instructions will be emailed immediately upon purchase. You may also like to read this article on Sara Banta Health for further information. Dr Anna's Wild Yam Progesterone Cream Concentrated natural progesterone from wild yams is bioidentical — just like what your body produces.Added pregnenolone aids your body’s response to mood swings and fatigue, and tri-peptides promote skin smoothness for an excellent anti-aging cream.  
Acceleradine Iodine 3 Pack $98.85
Acceleradine is the only Monoatomic Iodine Supplement with bonus extras. A 100% bioactive, true ionic iodine, and super-charged with Scalar Frequency, there is no other iodine supplement to help optimally support thyroid function, detox from heavy metals and radiation, Increase Your Frequency® and help boost your overall health.  2% tincture of pure, natural, singlet, active iodine (I¯)  100% Bioavailable  Vigilantly Pure and Radiation Free INGREDIENTS : Scalar charged 2% tincture: 200 proof, non GMO grain alcohol, singlet iodine atoms (I-)
-9% sale
Accelerated Colloidal Silver 4-Pack $145.95 $159.80
A powerful combination of Nano and Colloidal Silver, Accelerated Colloidal Silver® delivers additional potency being charged with scalar technology to help you increase your frequency and to powerfully help support, strengthen and boost your immune system. Ultra fine pure Scalar Silver 99.99% Helps boost the immune system Helps alkalize the blood Made with proprietary Scalar Silver™ technology Uses ozonated and UV sterilized distilled water Bio Energetically Imprinted to enhance its efficacy Safe with no risk of side-effects Alkaline pH of 8.0 Gluten-free, Vegan & Cruelty-free Made in the United States  
-10% sale
Accelerateda Keto 3 Pack $202.38 $224.85
The #1 Keto Supplement in the U.S. Say goodbye to the keto flu, boost ketones and accelerate the power of your keto lifestyle with Accelerated Keto 3-pack - the only supplement specifically formulated to support and enhance a Keto diet with additional fat-burning ingredients to enhance results. Carbohydrate-free and very low in calories Supports a low-carb diet Provides energy for muscles and brain Helps stimulate a metabolic shift away from glucose dependence Provides a constant source of clean energy that lasts for 8-12 hours Allows the cells to produce 10 times the amount of energy than from glucose Supports cognitive health allowing the brain to use ketones for energy Prevents brain fog Reduces cravings for carbs and sugars Helps with appetite control allowing for easy intermittent fasting Helps to make it easier to stick to a Ketogenic diet GoBHB ketone bodies supply an immediate boost of energy   Accelerated Keto® 3 Pack is a registered trademark of Accelerated Health Products LLC.  
Accelerated Gold 4 Pack $195.95
The amazing health benefits of colloidal gold have been documented for centuries. Now, discover Accelerated Gold, super-charged with scalar technology to offer the ultimate support for mental health. This best-selling Scalar Gold helps boost Mental Well-being so you can feel your best. New & Improved Formula! Enhanced with the powerful Scalar Technology and Water Implosion Technology which increase efficacy and absorption, making it the best gold supplement on the market. May Increase Focus and Concentration May Enhance Mood May Alleviate Anxiety May Help Inflammation May Help Skin Health Made with proprietary Scalar Technology Uses ozonated and UV sterilized distilled water Bio Energetically Imprinted to enhance the efficacy Safe with no risk of side-effects Alkaline pH Gluten-free, Vegan & Cruelty-free Made in the United States Accelerated Gold has only 2 Ingredients: 30 ppm of 99.99% Pure Gold Ozonated Distilled Water   Directions: Take 2-3 Tsp 1-4 times a day; leave in your mouth for at least a minute and then swallow. May be mixed with Accelerated Silver and Accelerated Copper. Accelerated Gold 4 Pack® is a registered trademark of Accelerated Health Products LLC.
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